Honourable training -172


[SCP Foundation - SITE-031, Germany]


Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Peggy Carter were in the briefing room of SITE-031, where they were getting updated on their mission of dismantling Hydra. Something that was seeing more success than expected due to the interference of SCP-5151, who had already laid waste for two different Hydra facilities.


While it was good news that Hydra was facing problems, the fact that a dangerously unpredictable SCP object was on the loose was a cause for grave concern.


SCP-5151 didn't sound too dangerous; in fact, the first time Steve heard that it only targeted those who weren't honourable, he didn't think it was something that had to be targeted as a priority. After all, there could be no mercy to Hydra; this he knew and understood.


However, as they explained to him just how wide the range of people might be considered unworthy, he understood that it couldn't be allowed to kill the world's leaders, even if he would have preferred those people to act honourably.


Dr. Hargrove, the senior researcher, stood before them, projecting the latest intelligence on the screen. "We've located the next Hydra facility that SCP-5151 might target. It's imperative that we contain it this time. Your mission is to intercept SCP-5151 before it can destroy the facility."


Hearing this, Bucky couldn't help but speak up. "Do we need to stop him before he destroys the facility? Aren't we going just to have to finish the job afterward?"


"We would like to capture a few Hydra agents so we can interrogate them and learn what has been happening internally within Hydra since our attacks began, but it wouldn't hurt us too much to have them die either." Hargrove said after a small pause.


Steve nodded, his expression serious. "We understand. What's the plan?"


Dr. Hargrove handed out the mission dossiers. "You will be working together with MTF Pi-7. They are people who are known to be considered honorable by SCP-5151; as such, they, and by our estimates, you three, shouldn't be in danger."


His words didn't exactly bring about confidence in the three of them. But at the same time, they knew they didn't have many options; they would just have to believe in themselves and hope for the best.


"You will, upon encountering the object, attempt to communicate with it. The objective of the mission is to use words and logic to convince it that you are honorable and then make it agree to be contained. Or as we'll frame it, 'train the honorable.'" Hargrove continued to explain the most important details.


Steve, Bucky, and Peggy nodded, absorbing the details of the plan. The mission was risky, but they had faced worse odds before. They geared up and boarded a Foundation transport, heading towards the Hydra facility with MTF Pi-7.


The journey was tense, with everyone silently reviewing their roles and the potential dangers ahead. As they approached the facility, the Foundation personnel ran through final checks and briefings, ensuring everyone was prepared for the encounter with SCP-5151.


When they arrived, the facility was eerily quiet, much like the previous sites that had been attacked. The team disembarked and moved cautiously through the entrance, weapons ready but pointed downward, signaling their intent to avoid conflict if possible.


Steve led the way, his shield on his back as he scanned the surroundings. "Stay sharp. We need to find SCP-5151 and engage it before it finds more Hydra operatives."


They advanced through the facility room by room, the silence only broken by the soft hum of their equipment. The sight of more lifeless Hydra agents, each with a single stab wound to the heart and drained of blood, confirmed that SCP-5151 had already been here.


"Clear," Peggy whispered after checking another room. "It's like a ghost town."


Bucky nodded, his expression grim. "We need to find it before it decides to move on."


Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught Steve's eye at the end of a corridor. He signaled for the team to stop and approached cautiously. As they neared, the dark, armored figure of SCP-5151 came into view, standing motionless in the shadows.


Steve stepped forward, raising his hands in a non-threatening gesture. "SCP-5151! We wish to speak with you!"


The Black Knight turned its head, its eyes glowing faintly beneath the helm. "You seek to confront me?" its voice echoed, deep and resonant.


Steve took a deep breath. "We seek to understand you. We know you judge people based on their honor. We're not your enemies. We want to offer you a place among us—training the honorable."


The Black Knight regarded them silently for a moment, then spoke. "You speak of honor. What makes you think you possess it?"


Steve stepped forward, his gaze unwavering. "We fight to protect the innocent, to uphold justice. We don't seek power for its own sake. We want to make the world a better place."


SCP-5151 seemed to consider his words, lowering its sword slightly. "I sense truth in your words, Captain. I will accompany you. But know this: should I find dishonor among you, there will be consequences."


Steve nodded. "Understood."


With SCP-5151 agreeing to come with them, the team escorted the Black Knight back to the transport. Dr. Hargrove and MTF Pi-7 quickly secured SCP-5151, explaining the containment protocols as "training exercises."


As they returned to SITE-031, Steve couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. They had managed to contain SCP-5151 without further bloodshed. But he also knew that their work was far from over. The fight against Hydra and the unknown threats they faced was just beginning.


In the debriefing room, Dr. Hargrove congratulated the team. "Excellent work, everyone. SCP-5151 is now in containment. We can begin studying it and hopefully learn more about its capabilities and origins."


Steve nodded. "We'll be ready for whatever comes next. Hydra is still out there, and so are other threats. But we'll face them together."


As the team dispersed, Steve, Bucky, and Peggy shared a moment of camaraderie. They had faced many challenges together, and they knew there would be more to come. But they also knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome anything.






Bruce Banner had now called Foundation SITE-160 his home for more than a year, and what a time it had been. While he wasn't any closer to finding a cure for the Hulk, his understanding of his own condition and what the Hulk was had advanced far beyond what he could have hoped for on his own.


Sitting in his lab, surrounded by notes and complex diagrams, Banner reflected on the discoveries he had made. The Hulk wasn't just a mindless beast driven by rage. It was a separate personality with its own thoughts, emotions, and motivations. This realization had been both a breakthrough and a burden.


When he first joined the SCP Foundation, Banner had hoped that their advanced technology and extensive research on anomalous entities would provide a solution to his condition. Instead, he found himself diving deeper into the complexities of the human mind and the nature of consciousness.


One of the most significant findings was that the Hulk had a sense of self-preservation and even a rudimentary understanding of right and wrong. It wasn't merely an uncontrollable force of destruction; it could think and feel, albeit in a much more primal and instinctual manner than Banner himself. This understanding was crucial because it opened the door to the possibility of communication and negotiation with the Hulk, rather than simply trying to suppress it.


Banner had spent countless hours working on understanding the Hulk, learning all he could about it by releasing it in a safe environment and then pouring over the date. Each time the Hulk was released, they were able to try and learn new things.


From the first few times when the Hulk had raged and broken everything it could, to now where the Hulk was acting more like a child than a rage-filled monster hellbent on breaking everything it could reach.


Now, it was entirely possible to hold a conversation with the Hulk while he feasted on food and snacks, allowing them to make far more precise tests since they could get the Hulk to cooperate with them.


They had even been able to map out the Hulk's pudding personality and discovered nuances in its responses to various stimuli. Banner realized that the Hulk's behavior was not as erratic as it seemed; it was driven by clear, albeit simple, motivations.


They had also been able to realize to what extent it still took after Banner himself, which, much to his dismay, involved his budding feelings for Dr. Lena Morris, something he wished hadn't become part of his research.


Yet as soon as Director Tremblay caught wind of what this meant for the Hulk, he pulled some strings to get Lena to help out around the SITE often. This allows both Hulk and Banner to spend a lot of time with her.


Banner sighed, pushing away a stack of notes. His feelings for Lena were complicated. She was brilliant, compassionate, and understood his condition better than anyone else. But the line between professional respect and personal affection had blurred, making it difficult to navigate their interactions.


He glanced at the clock. It was time for another session with the Hulk. Banner made his way to the containment area, where Lena was already waiting. Her presence always had a calming effect on him, and he hoped it would do the same for the Hulk.


"Ready, Bruce?" Lena asked, her smile warm and reassuring.


"Ready as I'll ever be," he replied, returning her smile with a hint of apprehension.


Another thing that had changed not long ago was that he no longer needed to throw himself down into the pit. After months of working with the Hulk, he had learned to transform at any time, and he no longer had to worry about his heart rate.


This meant that these days, he could just take the lift down into the put together with Lena and then transform. He hadn't been happy about letting Lena be together with the Hulk so much, but he couldn't deny the fact that she was skilled at handling him.


As the Pit was sealed above them, Bruce transformed, and Hulk wasn't even angry but perfectly calm, even happy to be out and able to play and eat with Lena. Who took him on with a smile, playing games, eating, and talking with the green giant.


These days, she wasn't just entertaining him but telling him stories, mostly about SCP objects and the Foundation, instilling into the Hulk that the Foundation were all friends, that they liked the Hulk, and were there to help him and in turn, that the Hulk should help them.


"Hi, Lena," Hulk rumbled, his voice deep but free of anger.


"Hello, Hulk," Lena replied warmly, handing him a large bowl of snacks. "Ready for another story?"


Hulk nodded eagerly, sitting down with an almost childlike enthusiasm. Bruce, from within, observed how far they had come. The Hulk was no longer just a mindless engine of destruction; he had become a part of their team, a powerful ally who could be reasoned with and guided.


As Lena began recounting a tale about an SCP object they had recently contained, Hulk listened intently, occasionally munching on his snacks. These stories were more than just entertainment; they were a way to educate the Hulk about the Foundation's mission and values.


"We're all friends here, Hulk," Lena said gently. "Just like how we help you, we help others who need it. And sometimes, we need your help too."


Hulk looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding. "Hulk help friends. Hulk strong. Hulk protect."


Lena smiled, reaching out to pat his massive hand. "That's right, Hulk. You're very strong, and we're lucky to have you."


Such exchanges had happened a lot; after all, it was important to repeat them to ensure that the Hulk and his rather childlike intelligence would truly come to remember and believe such things.



Then, after the text, they were both greeted by Oliver, who kept on teasing Bruce, much to his dismay and Lena's amusement. Bruce wasn't sure what he had done in his past life to get a best friend like this.


Though as Lena once more had to leave for another SITE and another SCP, she wanted to study, Bruce was glad to at least still have Oliver around, someone to keep him company, even if it was mostly just to tease him. Not that Bruce would trade it for anything; he relishes being treated like a normal person, something few, even within the Foundation, do.


This left Bruce to spend his free time once again chatting with Oliver while reading the increasing number of SCP files to which he was granted access. At the same time, Oliver did his favorite pastime, which was spying on Hydra, of all people.


Bruce never really understood why he did that, but it didn't really matter. As long as he had his fun talking shit about others, he had breaks where he wasn't the one getting relentlessly teased.





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