Nuclear fallout -177


The world was still in shock about the first possible nuclear attack since the end of World War II. If anything, the world was only working itself up into more of a frenzy with each passing hour as more and more people around the globe woke up to the news.


No one yet knew what to think. Was this a test gone wrong? Some secret weapons being developed that went bang? Or was this the start of a new war? No matter what TV channel they were on, they all reported something about the explosion.


It was, without a doubt, the biggest news since the birth of Ironman. In fact, many people turned to Tony Stark, hoping that he could do something. His image as a tech genius and superhero made the public believe he might have answers or solutions to this unprecedented crisis.


Governments around the world were convening emergency sessions. The UN Security Council called for an urgent meeting to discuss the implications and coordinate a global response. The Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, was seen making statements to reassure the public, promising a thorough investigation and full cooperation with international agencies.


"Canada will not rest until we have answers," Harper declared, his expression grave but resolute. "We are working with our allies to ensure the safety and security of our citizens and to uncover the truth behind this incident."


Meanwhile, intelligence agencies were scrambling to piece together any clues. Satellites were re-tasked, and drones were sent to the remote area in Nunavut where the explosion had occurred. The isolated location only added to the mystery, as it was far from any known military installations or populated areas.


Speculation ran wild. Some analysts suggested it might be the work of rogue states or terrorist groups, while others theorized about black-ops projects gone awry. Conspiracy theories flourished on social media, with some claiming extraterrestrial involvement or secret government experiments.


In the midst of this chaos, the SCP Foundation lowered its alert level, allowing more class 4 personnel to communicate with the outside world again. This step was crucial in stabilizing the situation within the Foundation itself, as it enabled better coordination and information flow.


Dr. Marcus LeBlanc, now able to access more resources, intensified efforts to manage the fallout from SITE-160's destruction. Orders were given to secure any sensitive materials and to ensure that the public narrative remained controlled. Disinformation campaigns were quietly ramped up to steer the conversation away from the truth.


As the hours passed, Tony Stark finally made a public appearance. Standing before a throng of reporters, he addressed the anxieties of millions. "We're looking into this," Stark said, his tone measured but reassuring. "I have my best people on it, and we're working with the government to find out exactly what happened. I assure you, we will get to the bottom of this."


His words provided a measure of comfort, but the underlying tension remained. The world was on edge, waiting for concrete answers. Every piece of new information, every rumor, was scrutinized and dissected by an anxious global populace.


Due to his identity as an SCP object, Bruce Banner was hurried to SITE-210 while most of the SITE personnel from SITE-160 were rerouted to try to keep others from snooping about the blast zone.


Wanting to control the area, while they were fairly sure the entire SITE had been utterly obliviated, they still wanted to make sure they were the ones to get there first. Once the levels of radiation dropped, they would ensure that no sensitive data or clues had survived the blast.


Far away, back in New York, time continued to pass, and finally, Alexander, O5-1 of the O5 council, was informed that the information bad had been lifted, at which point the first he did was join the other counsellors in the meeting that was starting.


Alexander logged into the secure video conference, joining the other members of the O5 Council. The faces of O5-2, O5-3, O5-4, and O5-5 appeared on the screen, all displaying various degrees of concern and urgency.


"Let's get started," Alexander said, his tone serious. "I'm not sure what you have been able to learn, but I suspect this is due to SCP-4885, which should be the only known SCP that can trigger something like this blackout protocol."


O5-2 nodded, his face still tense from his recent ordeal. "That is highly likely, I have learned the one who initiated the protocol is one Dr, Oliver Bell, a class 3 researcher.


"It would be far easier if we knew more about this SCP-4885, perhaps we should open the file? "O5-3 inquired.


To this, Alexander got an idea and quickly spoke up. "I have an asset, SCP-10104, who happened to be close with this Oliver Bell; I could release the file to him and, through him, learn more without any of us taking the risk?"


O5-3 considered Alexander's suggestion, her expression thoughtful. "That's a risky move, Alexander. SCP-10104's abilities are unpredictable, and we don't know how it might react to the information."


O5-4 interjected, "We don't have many options. If SCP-4885 is involved, we need to understand it fully. But we must ensure SCP-10104 is contained and monitored closely during this process."


O5-5, ever the pragmatist, nodded in agreement. "We can't afford to delay. If SCP-4885 is as dangerous as we suspect, any information we can get could be crucial. Proceed with caution, Alexander."


Alexander leaned forward, his face serious. "I'll ensure SCP-10104 is securely contained and monitored. We need answers, and this might be our best shot."


With the plan in motion, the council moved on to other critical matters. O5-2 reported on the containment efforts at SITE-210, where Bruce Banner had been relocated. "Dr. Banner is secure, but he's understandably anxious. We need to keep a close watch on him to prevent any... incidents."


O5-4 nodded. "Bruce Banner's situation is delicate. The last thing we need is an uncontrolled Hulk incident on top of everything else. Keep him calm and informed as best you can."


Alexander nodded at this. "yes, I will personally take care of Banner, which means I will be busy dealing with him; I propose that O5-5 is put in charge of solving the problem with the nuclear explosion."


O5-5 frowned slightly but nodded. "Understood, Alexander. I'll take point on this. We need to ensure the public narrative remains controlled and that no sensitive information leaks out. I'll coordinate with Dr. LeBlanc and the disinformation teams."


O5-2 added, "We should also increase surveillance around the blast zone. Any unauthorized personnel getting too close could be a risk. Make sure our teams are the first on-site once radiation levels drop."


O5-4 interjected, "And let's not forget international relations. The Canadian government is likely under immense pressure right now. We need to maintain our cover and ensure our operations aren't exposed."


O5-3 nodded in agreement. "I'll handle the diplomatic angle. We need to reassure our allies and keep them from digging too deep. I'll reach out to our contacts and provide the necessary cover stories."


Alexander leaned back slightly, his mind already working through the steps needed to manage Bruce Banner. "Alright, let's move forward. O5-5, keep us updated on the progress with the blast site. O5-3, ensure our diplomatic ties remain strong. O5-2, continue overseeing SITE-210's security."


Before anyone had a chance to call the meeting to a close and get back to their work, O5-2 spoke up. "I'm afraid that I can't do that Architect; I have another security problem that needs my full attention and needs to be brought to your attention as well."


Alexander raised an eyebrow. "What is it, Sentinel?"


O5-2 took a deep breath. "During the evacuation, we encountered a shapeshifting alien creature disguised as Pamela Lawton. We neutralized it, but its presence raises significant concerns. It managed to get close to me without detection. We need to understand what it is and how it infiltrated our ranks."


The other council members exchanged worried glances. O5-4 spoke up, "A shapeshifter? This complicates matters. If there are more of these creatures, they could pose a significant threat to our operations."


O5-5 added, "We need to interrogate the creature's remains and gather as much information as possible. Sentinel, can you oversee this investigation?"


O5-2 nodded. "I'll handle it. We need to ensure there are no other infiltrators. I'll report back with any findings."


Alexander couldn't help but quickly review his Marvel memories; he remembered the Captain Marvel movie, in which there were shapeshifting aliens, the Skrulls. Though he was fairly sure the movie ended with them all leaving earth?


Could one have stayed behind? Or had they returned again? According to his limited knowledge, these aliens once had a huge empire, and their favorite means of war was infiltration and breaking the enemy from within.


Their ability to mimic anyone just by seeing them, including short-term memory, was frightening indeed. If they were around on Earth, they would be a massive security risk for the entire Foundation.


Alexander didn't normally like to give away any information about the Marvel universe, wanting to take advantage of it himself if possible. But he recognized the importance of this situation. He would have to spin a few lies to give O5-2 the information without raising too much suspicion.


Alexander took a moment to gather his thoughts, then spoke with measured calm. "Sentinel, this is deeply concerning. The creature you encountered might be more dangerous than we initially thought. Based on some classified information, it's possible we're dealing with an entity similar to those described in certain, shall we say, speculative historical accounts."


The council members leaned in, listening intently.


"I've come across references to shapeshifting aliens known as the Skrulls," Alexander continued. "According to these accounts, they were part of a vast interstellar empire and were known for their abilities to mimic any being they observed. Their preferred method of warfare was infiltration, breaking down enemies from within."


O5-2 looked grim. "If this is true, then the implications are dire. We could have more of these creatures among us, undetected. Is this more information from Solomon's wisdom, or another secret informant of yours?"


Alexander shook his head. "In 1995, a group of Skrulls hid on earth for a period of time, which led to an alien invasion by the alien empire who wiped out the skull empire, though I was led to believe they left again, the ones who handled the incident back then was Shield."


Alexander explained to them what he knew about the plot of that movie without giving anything suspicious away. After all, it was well known to everyone that he was putting a lot of focus on undermining Shield, so it wouldn't be suspicious if he had found such secrets.


O5-2, now fully alert, leaned forward. "If these Skrulls were on Earth before, it's possible some of them stayed behind or new ones have arrived. We need to take this very seriously. I'll intensify the investigation and ensure our security protocols are updated to detect these shapeshifters."


O5-4 nodded, her face serious. "We should also consider the possibility that they could have infiltrated other organizations, not just ours. If Shield handled them before, we need to know more about their current capabilities and any potential weaknesses."


O5-3 added, "We should reach out to our contacts within Shield, subtly, to see if they have any recent intel on Skrulls. We need to understand the scope of this threat."


Alexander agreed, "I'll handle that. We need to be cautious about how we approach Shield. If they are compromised, we don't want to tip our hand."


The council members nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. Alexander continued, "For now, let's keep this information contained within the council. We don't want to cause panic or alert any potential Skrull agents."


O5-2 took a deep breath. "I'll begin the autopsy and analysis of the alien remains immediately. We need to understand their biology and capabilities. I'll keep you all updated on any findings."


With that, the meeting concluded. Each member had their tasks laid out, and the urgency of the situation weighed heavily on their minds.




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