The most dangerous ones -232


While Steve and the others were dealing with the crowd outside, Captain and 2 were following behind Magneto in silence as they walked through what was likely his headquarters, the building was made completely of metal, making Magneto nothing short of a god within it.


Finally, they arrived at a large chamber, the doors of which slid open with a smooth, almost ominous hiss. Inside, the room was vast, with a large, circular table at its center, surrounded by seats. The walls were adorned with maps, blueprints, and data screens displaying real-time information—likely the nerve center for all operations within Ironwood.


However, it was mostly the people inside the room that drew the captain's attention. He had been briefed about a few important and highly dangerous mutants, two of which were even more so than even Magneto, at least to the Foundation.


The less dangerous of those two was Charles Xavier, a powerful telepath with the ability to read the minds of almost everyone. And even if they, as members of Alpha-1, had measures against such things, it was highly doubted that it could protect them against him.


And that very man was within this room with them now. Though he really did look worse for wear. He lay in a bed, hooked up to all kinds of medical machines that seemed to be keeping him alive. They couldn't really see the extent of his injuries, but it must have been bad.


If he was here, however, it meant he wasn't dead and wasn't unable to act; at least he would be able to communicate. why keep him here in the control center? Though he looked unable to speak, it likely meant that he could only communicate through his telepathy, which wasn't good news for the members of the Foundation.


The most dangerous mutant, the one that was never to be allowed into their world under any circumstances, Jean Grey, who too stood in this room right next to Charles Xavier. That meant that three of the most powerful and dangerous mutants were all there before them.


The captain couldn't help but curse his luck, to run into these two, and while outside of his suit, having only minimal protection against having his mind read, every secret he knew about the Foundation right there for the two of them to steal.


Magneto, seemingly oblivious to—or perhaps unconcerned with—the Captain's internal struggle, gestured for them to approach the table. "This is Charles, he has suffered at the Sentinals, but at least they woke him up to reality." Magneto said, his voice steady. "We do not often entertain visitors, especially those from outside this world, but the times are dire."


The Captain nodded, keeping his expression neutral even as he mentally prepared himself for the possibility that his thoughts might be under scrutiny. He knew that any hesitation or sign of fear could be exploited.


"Charles, Jean," Magneto continued, "these are representatives from an organization claiming to want to help us in our fight against the Sentinels. They've offered resources and support, but I've brought them here to discuss what that truly means."


It was Jean who spoke after a moment of silence, which the captain suspected was her either going through their heads, or her communication with Charles Xavier.


Finally, Jean spoke, her voice calm but with an undercurrent of intensity. "You speak of support, but what is your organization's true purpose? Why are you so scared of us? Know that in this situation, we can't take chances, we have to be rude."


The captain and 2 both knew what she meant by being rude; they would have to invade their minds to at least make sure they weren't up to no good, which was something arguable in itself. They had their mission, and it might not fully align with what these mutants wanted.


He wasn't given any time to respond before he felt the chip planted inside his brain suddenly shock him, making him double over in pain as he lost control of his body.


Jean clearly looked surprised at his reaction, and 2 rushed to his side to help him up. Magneto stood off to the side, looking wary.


Charles Xavier had only been inside his mind for the briefest of moments before he pulled out as he noticed what was happening. However, in that time, he managed to see something.


Firstly, he was shocked at the loyalty this man felt towards this Foundation he belonged to.


Jean took a step back, her eyes narrowing in concern and suspicion. "What was that?" she demanded, her voice cutting through the tension in the room. "What did you just do?"


The Captain, still reeling from the shock, struggled to regain his composure. He knew that the chip implanted in his brain was a safeguard, a last resort by the Foundation to protect its secrets. If the chip detected an attempt to probe too deeply into his mind, it would trigger an intense pain response—enough to incapacitate but not kill. It was a cruel but effective method to ensure that no one could access information the Foundation deemed too sensitive.


"I... didn't do anything," the Captain managed to gasp out, his voice strained. "It's... a safeguard. To prevent anyone from accessing classified information."


Both Jean and Magneto turned to Charles, and it seemed that he communicated back to them. He hadn't found much while in there, but he could confirm that whoever this Foundation was had nothing to do with the sentinels.


He had also been able to confirm that it was indeed an organization working to protect mankind and one that would stop at nothing to ensure they were safe, which confused him; he couldn't understand why they hadn't done anything before now.


However, as he had tried to find out more, he had to pull out to avoid killing the man. Anton Brenning, someone who had given up his name and identity to work for the good of the world.


Still, he had gotten enough; he knew that while there might be something more to this aid, the aid was real enough, and so was the motive to help humanity, even if that came with plenty of strings attached.


Magneto's eyes narrowed as he processed the information that Charles had gleaned. He was a man who had long since learned to distrust easily, and this new information did little to reassure him. The Foundation, as it was called, seemed to be an organization with the power and resources to make a significant impact in the war against the Sentinels.


Jean turned her gaze back to the Captain, who was still recovering from the shock. "You're saying that this... safeguard was placed by your own organization? To cook your brain just to protect information?"


The Captain nodded weakly, still trying to gather his strength. "Yes. It's... a failsafe. The Foundation deals with threats that go beyond what most can imagine. They take extreme measures to ensure that critical information doesn't fall into the wrong hands."


It was clear that they still had more to say, but Charles must have said something to them both as they decided to let it slide. "The professor would like to offer you an apology, he did not mean for you to suffer like that, and he says there is no further need to dig into your brain again."


The Captain, still steadying himself, managed a nod. "Apology accepted," he replied, his tone measured. "We understand the need for caution. It's a dangerous world out there, and trust is hard to come by."


Magneto crossed his arms, his posture still imposing as he regarded the Captain and 2. "You've given us enough to believe that your offer of assistance is genuine. But let me be clear: if your Foundation has ulterior motives, if you're here to exploit us in any way, you will not leave this place alive."


The Captain met Magneto's gaze evenly. "My mission is to aid you, and the Foundation doesn't wish for this world to fall into the hands into the hands of the sentinels, of that I can assure you."


Magneto's intense gaze lingered on the Captain, weighing his words carefully. The room was thick with tension, each side evaluating the other, searching for any sign of deceit. Finally, Magneto nodded slightly, accepting the Captain's assurances, if only for the moment.


"Very well," Magneto said, his voice measured, "we will proceed with caution, as trust is not easily given or received in times such as these. But know this: the moment I sense any treachery, I will not hesitate to act."


The Captain nodded in acknowledgment. "Understood, tell us what you need, and I will relay that back to my superiors; furthermore, if you are aware of other survivors out there, we would like to know and offer a hand towards them as well."


Magneto took a moment, considering the Captain's words carefully. His gaze flickered to Charles, who gave a subtle nod of agreement, then back to the Captain. "Your offer is... appreciated," Magneto finally said, though his tone carried a lingering hint of skepticism. "We will provide you with a list of supplies and resources we need, but do not expect us to trust you fully until you've proven your intentions through actions, not just words."


He gestured to one of the maps on the table, a detailed layout of the surrounding regions. "As for other survivors, we are aware of several groups scattered across different locations, some of whom we have been in contact with, others less so. These groups are often isolated, heavily guarded, and extremely wary of outsiders.


Jean, still keeping a watchful eye on the Captain, added, "Reaching out to these groups will require more than just supplies. They need to see that you can be trusted to fight alongside them, to stand with them against the Sentinels. If you're serious about helping, then you'll need to be prepared to join the fight directly, not just from a distance."




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