Light is the key -275


Everyone panicked slightly as they thought that Bucky was turning into a monster. Only for it all to be interrupted by a rather teasing voice. "You will want some protective goggles before going out here."


"That voice!?" Lena exclaimed and stood up.


They couldn't see much; in fact, they noticed that the light coming in was far too bright, even for the early morning. Even at the height of the day, it wouldn't be that bright outside; it was as if a handful of floodlights were pointed at the door to the jet.


Then in came someone. They could only see the silhouette at first, though as he came in closer they could see a rather strange figure. He looked like some strange mix of a white and black man.


Some parts of his skin were almost white, while others were still black; it was almost as if two people had been fused together. On his chest was a large amulet with a big red stone, looking very out of place on someone dressed as a researcher.


"Dr. Bright!" Lena shouted excitedly, which told both Banner and 2 who they were dealing with. Even if the HUD in 2's suit already informed him of the identity, even if the amulet, SCP-963, didn't already give it away.


"Lena! You look lovely! He wasted no time in going over to give Lena a quick hug before turning to stare right at Bruce Banner. "And you must be the Hulk? Truly fascinating being."


As Dr. Bright stepped further into the jet, his bizarre appearance and nonchalant demeanor cut through the tension like a knife. Despite his unusual fusion of black and white skin and the gleaming amulet on his chest, he moved with a casual ease that seemed out of place amidst the chaos they were all experiencing.


Lena couldn't help but smile, even with the gravity of the situation. Dr. Bright's sudden appearance had injected pure excitement into her veins. She had always admired him, and had even been lucky enough to study under him for a time.


Bruce shifted uncomfortably, unused to being directly referred to as his alter ego. "I'd prefer Bruce," he muttered, his voice low but controlled. He had heard a lot about Jack Bright from Lena, but seeing him in the flesh still made him nervous.


After all, within the Foundation, none was more famous, or rather infamous, than Jack Bright, someone who played around with dangerous SCP objects, often getting others killed in his quest for… whatever he wanted at the time.


Dr. Bright waved a dismissive hand, his grin never faltering. "Oh, don't be so stiff, Bruce. I've been wanting to meet you for ages—well, ever since I learned about you anyway, which, while haven't been that long, I still have looked forward to meeting you."


Jack Bright took things in his own time, here everyone was stressed out by the end of the world, yet he didn't seem to care at all and just seemed to be here for a casual chat.


Lena, still smiling at the sight of her eccentric mentor, tried to bring the conversation back to the dire situation. "Dr. Bright," she began, her voice slightly strained, "you always seem to have a plan. Please tell me you're here to help."


Dr. Bright gave her a teasing wink before turning serious—well, as serious as Dr. Bright could ever seem to get. "Help? Oh, Lena, darling, I'm always here to help... in my own way." He then glanced over at 2 and Banner, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "I assume you've all been briefed on the XK-class event we're dealing with? The sun, the moon, the whole 'everything's gone nuts' bit?"


2 folded his arms, his gaze fixed on Dr. Bright with annoyance. "We know what's happening. What we don't know is how to fix it."


"Ahh yeah, fixing it… that's impossible, but it's fascinating all the same! As soon as I heard about this event, I had to rush down to study it." Bright immediately started talking about things that went over the heads of everyone except Bruce and Lena.


"And he has performed miracles already." The Captain's voice came as he walked into the jet. "Dr. Bright here has already found a solution of sorts, allowing this place to be safe, for now at least."


Dr. Bright gave a modest shrug, though a hint of pride gleamed in his eyes. "Well, I couldn't let the world end without trying to keep a corner of it intact, now could I?"


Steve, hopeful that they might be able to safe the world couldn't help but ask what the solution was.


"Ahh! Light! The problem and the fix so to speak, are the same. You see, the problem is light, or rather a very special wavelength of light, and so to solve it, we just have to stop that, or rather those wavelengths of light from touching us."


Dr. Bright paused for dramatic effect, his grin widening as he continued. "So I have found some waves that block the harmful ones, and the only side effects are blindness and heavy migraine, hence why you need goggles."


"Indeed." The captain interrupted. "Though it won't last forever, after all, there wasn't much time for making proper equipment, so what we have won't last forever, so get your asses in gear, we are leaving SCP-7995, and we are doing it soon."


Dr. Bright chuckled, glancing at the team with his mischievous grin. "Yes, yes, temporary fixes only, but that's the beauty of living in chaos, isn't it? It gives us just enough time to improvise."


Bruce Banner, still processing the absurdity of the situation, nodded reluctantly. "So we've got goggles to temporarily protect us from this special wavelength of light, but we're working on borrowed time."


Bright just shrugged. "The equipment wasn't built to handle the load; we are, After all, having to block out all of the sun's natural light with artificial light, which isn't easy, it's already a miracle we could get it up and running in less than a day."


"Now, enough talking." The captain said. "Here are some goggles; get them on and follow me towards the entrance; we got permission to pass through." He said, handing over a bag of special goggles to Bucky, who stood the closest.


"Yes, yes, Banner, I'm gonna be catching you soon; I haven't had much time to read up on you yet, but you are one fascinating person." Were Bright's parting words as the group went on their way, and Bright left to do whatever it was he was doing here.






Back in the original world, back in the highly secret Foundation SITE-001, Alexander was having another meeting, though this one wasn't an official one.


"I'm Impressed that Bright found a way to deal with SCP-001 so quickly." Alexander said. He was really impressed. Bright hadn't had long to work at all, and yet he had come up with a solution.


"Indeed, but that's just who he is. While everyone else is busy thinking about leaving the place, only he wants to go there to study the situation." The other person said he was male and had the same kind of agelessness that most members of the O5 council shared.


"He might be trouble half the time, but he does prove time and time again to be an asset." Alexander had to concede.


"Indeed, if nothing else it will help with making sure we don't have to leave anything valuable behind, and is something to work on further with here, in case something like this ever happens here." O5-7 commented.


O5-7, one of the seats of the Council that had been promoted by Alexander himself, and therefor was someone who had his very life owed by Alexander, and as such, repayed that debt with support and loyalty.


His role within the Foundation was The Innovator. The head of research and development. Something that fit him well, for once upon a time, he was known in those circles as Leonardo da Vinci, and had since his supposed death gathered great fame, fame that was proving to be well earned as he performed miracles for the Foundation.


Even for the plan to block the sun's harmful light, he had played a key part. After all, it was all but impossible to manufacture anything in such a short amount of time. That's where O5-7 came in.


While Alexander could flash forge small things, like a knife or even a sword, Leonardo could do so much more.


While his ability also had some limitations, it was a power perfect for one of humanity's greatest inventors. One that Alexander had given him. A perk of being in charge of the Foundation since day one, Alexander had plenty of time to gather many interesting SCP objects, allowing him to easily turn normal people into so much more.


"Do you think we could do what he is doing on a global scale?" Alexander couldn't help but ask, curious about what someone as smart as Leonardo had to say.


"No, the power is too much. Even with the new and rather clever generators you have built, the amount of power needed to produce enough light to disturb the dangerous wavelengths on a large scale won't work, even if I made some proper equipment, it would last long, it's a material issue, and I don't even that new Vibranium can fix that issue, after all, it doesn't produce light, and that is what we need."


"Not to say there is no use for Bright's discovery, though for now there isn't much we can do, that world is doomed." O5-7 finished off, cutting off all hope for that world.





If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem

(Is he correct? Can the mutants do nothing to survive? Can they somehow stop the sun? or are they really doomed to die to the merciless SCP-001? Those questions will be answered at a later time, for now, its time to go back to the marvel world and play around with some SCP objects once again.)