My choice

"Get ready. We are leaving in the next few minutes," King Amos said. Michael could only walk away. He was going to get married to Madame Sarah's daughter, whom he never spared a glance. She was an elite member of the social class, and marriage was a form of alliance.

"I'm ready!" They both rode in the royal carriage with loads of gifts. They arrived at Madame Sarah's house. Her daughter, Veronica, was such a spoiled brat, who lacked respect and spends extravagantly.

"Your Highnesses, you're welcome!" The mother-daughter duo greeted simultaneously with a courtesy. They began discussing the marriage plans, meanwhile, Michael paid less or no attention to the discussion, and neither did he even spare Veronica, who was just making flirtatious moves, a glance.

His mind wandered far until he saw a figure, who looked more like a housemaid than a daughter. He had heard a lot about Madame Sarah's foster daughter, but he had never seen her. He kept staring at her, as she strode in with a tray of food to present to the King and Prince. Her heart skipped a beat as her eyes met his. 'Oh, goodness! Isn't he the Prince rumored to be the devil, who never took interest in any lady not glanced at them? ' She thought as she tried to avoid his gaze.

"Your Highnesses, Welcome," She curtsied and lowered the tray. Veronica noticed the way he looked at her sister. "Psst," She hissed to get her mother's attention. She whispered in her ear and she nodded. "Excuse me, your Highnesses!" She curtsied.

"Wait!" The ever-so-quiet Prince charming finally spoke. His aura was quite intimidating, even the king could never exude such an aura. His voice was so resonant, yet sweet as a chorale.

"What is your name?" He asked.

She was the first girl he had ever spoken to, more so, ask her name. Her heart was racing, she felt it will jump out at any time. She turned around and replied, "Steph. Stephanie Miles Lennon."

'How could he not notice me? I'm dressed with the finest and most expensive linens, yet he noticed this dirty girl in rags?' Veronica thought. She made eye contact with her mother, which conveyed a message. "Do something, mother!"

Before Sarah could say a thing, the prince had said the unthinkable. "I want Stephanie." The King was confounded. "Well, the Prince has made his choice. Since she is still from your household, I agree," he said. She tried to speak, but King Amos knew, too well, than to argue.

"That is my final decision. The engagement is two days from now."

"I understand. Thank you, your Majesties. Have a lovely day," she said with a fake smile.

Immediately after the King's chariots left, she rushed in, "My dear, shush now. Don't cry, okay?" she pats Veronica's back. "Stephanie!" she called out. "Yes, Madame?" she said. "Madame? No! Call me mother. I'm your mother too, right?" she smiled mischievously. "Ye… Yes, mother."

"I want us to talk. Sit!" They both sat their butt on the chair in the dining. "From the first day your father left you in my care, I've been very nice to you. You're old enough to make decisions for yourself, I have never asked you for anything, now is the time for you to pay me back for my kindness to you. Your sister is madly in love with the prince, but he wants to marry you. All I want is for you to reject his proposal," she explained.

"But Ma… Mother, if I do that, I'd be severely punished. He is the rumored devil," Steph said.

"I know that. Can't you risk it all for your sister's happiness? How about this? I'll give you half of my fortune if you reject his proposal?" she whined. Madame Sarah is a cunning woman. What she wants, she gets.

"I'll think about it," she said. "Good choice." Steph went in to her room, and shut the door, letting out a sigh.

*Amadeo's Castle*

"Why her?" King Amos asked, trying to start a conversation. "No reason. My choice." he said, unfazed. "Why have you decided to be this cold towards me?" He asked. Michael sighed. He wasn't ready to tell him yet. He had distanced himself from everybody, including the King, after he returned from Manchester. Not only that, but he kept mute and the king could only back down. No matter how many times he asks him, he will not get an answer.

They reached the castle, and Michael, with his poker face, went straight in, without a word. "Hey, poker man. How'd it go?" No one talks to him this way, except for Bruce, his only friend and buddy. " Hey, come on. Don't be boring. Tell me, have you accepted to marry that Veronica girl?"

" No." Came his one word response.

" I'm getting married to Stephanie. I chose her.

'Did he just say that? That's the longest he's said. Wait… Why?' Bruce thought.

"Who's Stephanie?" he asked.

"Her foster daughter."

"But I thought—"

"I made my choice." He said and walked away.

Bruce grinned as he ran after him. " No one will think you're gay anymore, he-he."

Michael glared at him and shut the door behind him.

'I hope she's the one.' Bruce thought inwardly, as he left to his quarter.