A New Life

''It's a miracle, that fourth young lady is alive.''

''I thought the fourth young master used his aura.''

''Fourth young lady does look like his excellency. She and the second young master have the purest blood, but she's the weakest of his excellency's children.''

''I wonder when the sixth's madam will visit the fourth young lady....so sad.''

''The heavens must be on fourth young lady's side to be alive till now.''

''I hope the fourth young lady awakens that power soon...''

Shut up.

Chaos wanted to tell that person speaking to keep quiet. She also wanted to detach the vocal cord from the person's neck. Their voice was too loud for her ears.

She really wanted to shut that person's mouth. But...for some reason, her lips couldn't move to utter her thoughts. Her hands couldn't do her will. It was as if something dense was stopping her from lifting any part of her body.

Her eyes were also the same. No matter what, she couldn't lift them up to see what was going on outside her dark world.

''Fourth young lady, this maid hopes you wake up soon.'' The person's words were becoming faint as if the distance between were reducing until Chaos heard nothing no more.


Chaos's eyes fluttered open, getting the blurry view of a ceiling. Her dark long lashes went up and down several times until the blurry view became one and clearer. Her eyes were fixed on ceiling noticing that it was a bit faded.

When Chaos tried to breathe through her nose, she noticed that it seemed clogged and stuffed up. What was wrong with her?

Chaos slowly rose up on the bed, taking in the appearance of the room. Something moist slipped from her forehead to the pillow, and her eyes turned down, sighting a damp white towel.

Did she have a fever? That could explain why the airway of her nose seemed blocked.

The sound of door opening attracted Chaos's attention, and she saw a young woman entering the room with bowl of water. From her weird-looking black and white uniform, Chaos could tell she was some sort of maid, and the same maid from her new and foreign memories.

''Young lady!'' The brown eyes of maid lit up at the sight of her. After closing door, the young maid quickened her foot steps in her direction, and a wide and relieved grin made its way to her face.

''This maid is very happy that young lady has awaken.'' The maid took the damp white towel and folded it on the edge of the bowl. The smile on her face was so warm in contrast to the blank stare from Chaos.


''Is young lady's temperature normal now? This maid was almost scared to death.'' The maid dropped the bowl on the nightstand close to the bed, and raised her hand to touch Chaos's forehead.

''Don't touch me.'' Staring at the hand coming towards her, Chaos's gaze went dark as she tilted her body, allowing the hand that wanted to touch her fall on the bed.

The maid froze, stunned at first, and then somewhat confused. ''Young lady....'' She took her hand from the bed and quickly apologized with a bow. ''Please pardon this maid. This maid only wanted to check the young lady's temperature.'' However, her mind was in a state of confusion. Why did her young lady seem a little different?

''I'm okay.'' Chaos murmured, looking around the room. She didn't mean anything bad. She only hated the feeling of people's skin crawling on her.

'I can't believe I am in someone's body.' Chaos recalled the memories that were not of hers. They belonged to the body that her soul currently resides in.


''Sixth madam specifically order this maid to care for you.'' The maid's confusion decreased a bit. The fourth young lady was someone who always asked about the sixth madam. She had been waiting for the fourth young lady to ask a question regarding the sixth madam. 'Maybe, fourth young lady is a bit stressed. She did escape an almost death...' The maid wondered a bit.

''Mother really did that?'' Chaos asked once more. Her eyes twinkled in amusement. Why was the memory of this body different from this maid's words?

''Yes, young lady.''

''Ah...I see.'' Chaos did not push more and laid back down on the bed. She pulled the soft quilt up to her neck and nuzzled her face in the fluffy pillow. How long had she laid on a soft and perfect bed like this?

The bed in the prison was a big NO for her.

''I want to stay indoors today. Please be sure that no one disturbs my rest.'' Chaos spoke the same way she remembered from the memories of the body that was now hers. From the memories, this particular maid and the original owner of her new body were very close like siblings. When she avoided the maid's touch, she could sense the maid's confusion, and now wasn't the best time for someone suspect her. That's why she asked about this body's mother. It was what the original owner would have done.

Besides, saying please to someone was definitely not her style.

''Yes young lady.'' The maid kept her thoughts to herself, and respectfully withdrew out of the room. She didn't forget to carry the bowl that was placed on the nightstand.

Once the door closed, Chaos opened her empty eyes.

''You are so pitiful...'' She murmured. Her feelings were not the same as her words. She only knew that word could describe the original owner from the memories she received.

A heartless father that absolutely did not care for her, and a heartless mother that had ignored her from birth.

A family that had no desire to care for the weak.

Half-siblings that were out for the blood of one another.

A place where one needed to kill for survival or get killed without knowing.

This was the summary of the memories that she received during the time she was not awake.


''What did dinner did you say it was?''

''Did young lady forget? It is the family dinner, young lady. His excellency, her excellency, the five madams and the young masters and young ladies will be there.'' replied the maid.

It has been four days since she stepped out of the room. According to the maid, she had been out for two days. The next two days, she used them to fully recuperate from the fever.

''Mother will also be there?'' Chaos asked, laughing in her heart. The maid had told her that the mother of the original owner specifically ordered her to take care of health. To anyone hearing, it would have sounded touching. But the said mother did not visit her during the two days after she had woken up.

Chaos knew the woman should be aware of her condition. The maid would have surely reported to her.

It can only be said the mother of the original owner, absolutely did not care about her well-being. That also meant that the maid had lied to her.

'Surely you must have known....' Chaos thought to herself. From her memories, the original owner kept on asking about her mother, despite the cold shoulder she had received for a long time. Anyone in that situation would have long known that he or she was apparently disliked, but the original owner kept on going as if she was blind to her mother's actions.

''Yes, young lady. Sixth madam and the young lady can spend some time together.'' Chaos's eyes moved to the maid brushing her dark hair in the mirror.

According to her memory, this maid's name was Jane. A maid that has been with the original owner from almost all her life. She could say the maid was like original owner's mother more than the actual mother.

''And done.'' The maid known as Jane finished tying the two ribbons on her hair, after dropping the hair brush on the dressing table. ''Young lady is the most beautiful in the entire empire.'' She was not stingy with her praise, though it was bit exaggerated.

'I can see why she said that.' Chaos stared at herself in the dressing mirror. The vibrant red eyes from that man she saw on the battle grounds was the same as hers. Even the ebony shining hair from her was the same as his. The face of her new body was small and the features were not like what she had seen in her former world. Everything about her face was so exquisite and perfect to the point that she felt they were unreal.

Chaos had seen the beautiful faces of celebrities, and wealthy families, but most of them were definitely artificial. To get the perfect face, she was not surprised when she came across the black stains of some celebrities on the internet which were numerous facial surgeries.

'They are like blood.' What Chaos loved most about new features was her eyes. They were red like blood, and sparkling like diamonds. Chaos absolutely loved her beautiful features. In her former life, she had her own fair share of surgeries.

To hide from many special organizations after her life, she changed her face multiple times. As for her original face, she didn't remember any features.

'I am so beautiful.' Chaos deeply admired herself. Since she didn't get to enjoy having a single face in her former life, then she should enjoy the face she has now in this life, especially when she was granted with an outstanding face like this.

''Young lady, it is time to leave.'' Jane's voice stopped Chaos from admiring herself much to her dismay.

Right, she has to meet the other members of her new family. No...could they be called a family? According to what she had learned, a family are people that loved each other and deeply bonded with themselves.

This family from her memories.....

Well, if a mother always forcing her daughter to drink poison, half-siblings trying to kill each other, and a father who absolutely has no care for anyone including his children was called a family, then she needed to correct what that therapist in the special organization had taught her.

''Young lady?''

''I am coming.'' Chaos answered right back to Jane. She smiled at her face one time in the mirror and jumped down from the chair. When Chaos got on her feet, she looked at them and her small hands in novelty. She really wasn't used to her new body that was small, weak, and....fresh. This was very different from the scarred body from her former life.

''Is something wrong with young lady's hands?''

''No, they are beautiful.'' Chaos smiled up at the maid patiently waiting for her by the door. Now wasn't the time to think about her new body. She needed to know how to deal with the people of this family, especially when she was weak and vulnerable to dangerous situations.

Such example would be from this new family of hers.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: See you next week!