Nerium Flower

*Knock* *Knock*

''Come in.''

As the sleepy voice ordered, the door opened, and Jane stepped in, finding it difficult to hide her surprised yet complicated gaze. Her complex gaze was directed to Raven who woke up some minutes before she knocked on the door.

Her young lady's timing was prompt, which surprised her since she knew how much her young lady complained about early wake-up time.

Well…there was an answer to that. A reason why Raven woke up particularly early. She was meeting her new elite slave who was also her tutor. With the way he killed his opponent mercilessly, anticipation bubbled in Raven's heart.

She was very curious about what she had seen on the battle grounds.

''Young lady is early for the day.'' Jane pointed out, her steps wandering over to the curtains. As she slid the draping clothes to each side, the dark room brightened up with warms rays of the morning sunlight.

''My training starts today, Jane. I can't afford to be late.'' Raven said, turning her legs to fall over the edge of the bed. Jane returned back to her side, and carried the bowl of rose-scented water that she brought into the room with herself.

'The females from the ancients are really meticulous with their skin.' Raven rinsed her small face with the comment in her mind. From her first morning in this world, she noticed how Jane would always bring water for face in the morning.

If brushing of the teeth was the first habit that needed to be done in her former world, then rinsing of face was the first habit that needed to be done in this world. The water used for this wasn't just ordinary water, but a flower-scented water.

Jane must have soaked in flowers throughout the night to produce this scented water. Raven had no complaints about this since nothing had happened to her face. Also, the original owner had this as part of her morning routine.

''A light meal will be okay for young lady before training?'' Jane asked, putting away the folded towel on the edge of the bowl.

''There is no need for that, Jane. From now on, my training will be every morning, so notify the chef and the kitchen servants that I won't be having breakfast until after training.''

''…..'' Jane bit her lower lip, not looking happy with her young lady's words. It was obvious she was displeased, but what could a maid do when her master has spoken? 


''Young lady….'' Staring at her young lady who got down from the bed, Jane still wanted to speak her thoughts.

''Just please…take it easy. Of course, this maid doesn't want young lady to be the defeated one against the fourth young master….just…take it easy….That's all this maid desires.''

Her young lady has changed.

That was one thing Jane noticed in the last days after that battle. She didn't what had happened, but her young lady had changed into someone she did not recognize.

Her new character was strange for Jane to adapt.

From the dead assassin found in the room, to the battle between the elite slaves….Jane knew that all these were things her previously weak-minded young lady would never have done. Jane also noticed the growing distance between herself and her young lady.

It was if her young lady was gradually becoming like them.

The members of the Langston family.

Jane did not want that. She absolutely did not want her young lady to change into those heartless people. In the cave of demons, her young lady was the only angel struggling to survive.

Jane knew that she was selfish, too selfish for a mere servant….but her young lady was like her family, her only family. She did not want to let go of the bond between them.

''This maid will prepare the bathing water and training clothes for young lady.'' Dropping the bowl on the nightstand, Jane turned away from Raven. Her steps were brisk as if she was running away.


'I thought she will beg me not to train…' Raven stared blankly at the back of the maid. Holding her night gown around her chest area, Raven's grasp on the cotton material was very tight, and her brows scrunched together as if she was in discomfort.

'What is this pain?'


*Knock* *Knock*

''Come in.'' Raven said, admiring her beautiful looks in the dressing mirror. Jane stood behind, gently brushing and untangling her glossy ebony hair.

''Pardon this maid for the intrusion, young lady.'' Entered the ever-stoic lily with a glass of water and sauce plate on the tray in her hold. Standing upright, she announced, her eyes meeting Raven's gaze on the mirror. ''It is time.''

''Jane will be done soon, Lily.'' Raven smiled, her eyes filled with interest towards the objects in Lily's hands. It seemed to be time for her to begin her poison intake. From Lily's reflection, the sight of the glass cup and saucer plate was a mere sign, since it had always been that way from the original owner's memories.


Raven steered her gaze away from lily to Jane who seemed uncomfortable. her eyes focused at the ground where the maid carelessly dropped the ribbon.

''I will get another one!'' The octave of her voice was a bit higher, very obvious for Raven and lily to know that she was tensed.

'This is the reason why I need to change her.' Raven sighed to herself. To be honest, she's quite pissed at Jane who seemed not to fully understand the true identity of the herself…and the original owner.

''You can withdraw, Jane.'' The maid's outstretched fingers paused at the sound of her young lady's voice. Her stunned eyes met the familiar crimson's eyes. Once upon a time, those eyes always expressed true feelings of the owner's heart. Now they were blank and cold to the point Jane could feel a drop in the temperature of the atmosphere.

Her young lady was chasing her out.

That realization dawned on Jane, and she almost let out a disheartening smile. Just from that action alone, she knew that her young lady was seeing herself as a hindrance.

Jane knew that this wasn't supposed to come as a surprise. Her young lady was the fourth young lady of the Langston family, and she was a mere maid trying to survive in this dangerous family.

Jane was very tempted to cry. She wanted to know what had happened to the young lady that she knew. However, her lips were sealed, not parting to make a sound. The only words that escaped from there was…

''As you wish, young lady.''

After heeding to the order, the steps Jane took to leave her young lady's room was heavy for her feet, but she knew this had to be done. Stepping out of the room, Jane had never felt so lonely in her life, until now that her precious young lady was no more.

''Can I start the dosage, Lily?'' Raven asked after Jane left the room. Her eyes held no remorse towards the heart-broken maid. Her voice was the same as well. No sign of dejection was found around her.

The most surprising for the spectating lily was that the she asked for the poison herself.

Lily noted all this down in her heart as she closed the distance between herself and Raven. Placing the tray on the dressing table, lily poured the grinded petals of the Nerium flower on the small piece of paper into the glass cup of water. The sandy particles danced around until the water gradually changed from transparent to dark purple.

'Nerium flower…' Raven went over the memories of the original owner to see if she could any information of this poisonous flower. Fortunately, the memories did not disappoint her this around. Perhaps it was because the original owner had been forced many times to ingest poison. The latter had probably been educated on many types of poisons.

Nerium flower.

A flower with entrancing purple petals. Unlike it deadly usage, the flower has a rose-like captivating appearance capable of tempting one to touch it. However.…that fleeting touch could be responsible for the person's death.

The natural poison of the petals is that lethal, and Raven guessed that a plant as fatal as the Nerium flower could never be grown anywhere in the open.

'I wonder if this world has something like black market….' Raven supposedly thought that something as dangerous as the Nerium could only be gotten from a hidden and illegal place like that.

''The mixture is ready, young lady.'' Lily called to Raven's attention.

''Thank you, Lily.'' Raven lifted the glass cup from the dressing table. Her lips touched the glass rims and she emptied the content into her mouth. Not a single drop remained in the glass cup.

'Very bland…' Raven tasted nothing from the Nerium flower. She was expecting a bitter taste since the poison was from a plant.

'Nothing has happened yet…' Raven noted how all parts of body was functioning alright. Again, she expected something to happen immediately, but nothing has begun yet.

'Perhaps the after math is later….' With that thought, Raven was about to place the glass cup back on the tray, but it seemed her thought about the aftermath was too early.


Before Raven could comprehend, the glass cup in her grip suddenly dropped and shattered into pieces on the ground.

>>>>Here you go and post next week! How do you guys like the new cover? Can you guess the identity of the little lady?<<<