Dungeon Quest (2): The Raptors of Death

"We need to go left."

Yevian pouted, practically begging for the group to take a left turn.

"The only way to treasure is through the sand. We won't reach the treasure chest of this dungeon if we just circle it carelessly."

Audra twitched weakly.

"Uhm... I think we should go the easier way."

Ricky nodded his head confidently, confidence unbefitting of his stature.

"Yeah, after all, the easier way should be safer."

Ricky agreed with Audra almost robotically.

Savel had separated herself from the argument. She had no opinion on her mind or so it seemed.

Julius sighed silently.

The group was stuck figuring out their scenario.

There were 3 tunnels ahead of them.

They were dark, burrowed and all had different signs.

Luckily for the group, after around 15 minutes of walking, they hadn't met a single creature.