Dungeon Quest (10): Azonold

The crystal titan of luminous white ceased to exist alongside Julius' group.

All that was present was himself and an empty golden horizon.

He looked behind himself before gulping guiltily.

There he saw a dominating black castle. Its walls were sharp and high. It seemed to be the only thing other than Julius in this golden sunset scene.

Julius looked down.

It was as if he was standing on the sky itself. Every step he took caused a never-ending ripple to be sent out.

An ancient voice cracked the scene.

"You said that you must solve the present before you seek any other. So why do you fail to do even that?"

It sounded snarky and annoying. Like a brattish child. But despite sounding so bratty, it was incredibly deep. It was like the voice had far too much pride.

Julius looked around not sure what he was supposed to be communicating with.