Dungeon Quest (13): Exhausted Charge

Julius' head rang out cynically as his eyes twitched open and close.

{Soul is in recovery.}

{Transformation ended. Azonold has healed your soul temporarily as a sign of goodwill.}

A light voice came into his ears. 


It was Yevian's.

Julius looked around in confusion.

The entire group had just all relieved themselves with a good night's sleep in the now deserted throne room.

Ricky, Audra, and Savel were still sleeping soundly on the floor with nothing to warm themselves but the throne room's royal red carpets.

Julius cleared his throat uncomfortably.


"What happened to the-."

He stumbled. The throne room was somehow still standing. His mind froze up. He could've sworn that it dropped down into the abyss.

There was no way it had all been a dream.


A light tinging sound called out from somewhere deep within himself.

He concluded it to be his soul.
