Yulestroth Syndrome (2): Promise

The moment the young Yevian finished jotting down notes from his research he practically dashed outside, not caring at all for his composure.

The last time Father had told him something in secret was 3 years ago when his Father alerted him that he was going to enter the Labyrinth.

For a year, everyone thought that Ridon Yulestroth had passed but it turned out that he was merely having a blast in the labyrinths.

When he returned with a cart full of riches and a smile on his face, his father the Duke almost slaughtered him on the spot.

Yevian's breath burned his lungs as he kept on sprinting outwards childishly.

The moment his polished shoes entered the territory of the flawless and sickeningly colorful garden, he spotted the ever-so-iconic rose bush in an instant.

Blurs of miraculous colors blurred past him as a smile grew on Yevian's face.