Yulestroth Syndrome (5): Countdown to (?)

The next few matches were quite mediocre.

Time passed until the 64 entrees were cut down to a mere 8.

The two that constantly shone during this time were as expected, Vietsa and Yevian.

Yevian ended up using all 3 of his dirty-play cards in order to ensure 3 2-move wins in a row.

Vietsa was close behind in terms of winning speed and won all her matches in only 3-4 moves. She hadn't used the water state yet as she had always been powerful in her age group without it.

At the current rate, Vietsa and Yevian were doomed to meet in the finals.

The young Yevian looked over to the stands once more.

"Still nothing..."

His father was nowhere to be seen. But Yevian dismissed it. He was sure that his Father would come running out onto the stage once he won swiftly and soundly.