Yulestroth Syndrome (7): Boil

Yevian sighed with his eyes shut from his mana exhaustion. Although he would have a full tank when the last fight came around, his stomach still felt as though it was squirting uncontrollably.

An odd displeasing feeling.

Yevian still held his wand close to his chest, afraid of it being forgotten of again. Did Yevian really believe he had just forgotten his wand?

It was 50/50. He had always been somewhat forgetful and clumsy but he still saw the group that fit in with the blonde boy peeking at him from time to time when he briefly opened his eyes.

He didn't care for the semi-finals that included the Vietsa girl.

She would win. He was certain of it.

In the last tournament, if he had never shown up, she would've surely won. She would've been the only one to have mastered second-order spells in their age group.