Ruloy (5): Flashing time

The month had passed swiftly and soundly.

Professor Silver's reign as headmaster was short for the original headmaster Gondares returned 1 week after his leave had begun.

It was time for the monthly Orth check-up assembly.

Each house had its Orths counted up at the end of the month.

The house with the most Orths after 12 ceremonies would go into the war with an advantage.

Julius grumbled as he and Yevian were once again sat on the long steaming breakfast table.

"It's been a month already?"

The headmaster had just announced that the Orth assembly would start after the students finished eating and digesting steadily.

Yevian was nonchalantly nibbling on bread crumbs from his cleared plate.


"Pretty bad month at that..."

Julius sighed.

"What's even the point of this Orth assembly? We all know which house has the most Orths."

His eyes suddenly slid over to the sight of the Dragon House's table.