Calm (10): Duel Upbringing

"Endow. Grab half the papers and take them to the storage room. Rongo, follow him and take the other half."

"Yes sir."

Julius acknowledged Professor Silver's request modestly before grabbing around 30 sheets of paper into his pair of hands and shuffling out of Magic Beast theory tiredly.

As Julius ambled through a deserted school corridor, a rather tame figure caught up to him, carrying an equally high pile of roughly vandalized paper.

"You gonna watch the duel at lunch?"

Julius ran through his mind.

'Was there a duel?'


A memory aligned with his thoughts.

'Nevermind. Vibra and Leonard I think his name was, I might as well watch it with Yevian.'

"I guess. It would be a shame to miss it."

The figure of Damian Rongo walked by Julius' side brightly.

'Wasn't he the one that was with us for the avalanche?'

Damian had been there when the White Calamity released an avalanche.