Lost Night (8): You are bad. Go to Improvement Sessions.

"You there."

Upon hearing someone talking to him, Julius turned around slowly.

There he found the Combat Dueling Teacher, Gronos eyeing him closely.

His bulging bronze muscles seemed to be bigger than ever whilst his noticeable white hair pointed up like a glacier.

"What is that spear?"

Julius looked into his hands.

It was the spear that he had received from the Headmaster.

Julius replied to Gronos calmly.

"I suppose it's just a pretty good spear, Sir."

Gronos nodded heavily.

"Can you use it well?"

Julius shrugged.

He had gotten somewhat decent with spears over the past few months, but not to a level where people would be in shock and awe.

Gronos pulled out a regular-sized dagger but it looked like a toothpick in his huge bulky hands. It had a glorious Ruby embedded into its handle.

"Then I'll tell you whether you are fit for the spear you possess."

Julius smiled quietly.