Lost Night (14): The Night Of Awakening

A strong hissing sound burned Julius' mind.

Slowly and tiredly, Julius' eyelids wavered up until a blurry sight stood before him.

Blinking repeatedly to cleanse his vision, it took a minute until Julius' sight returned.

It was dark. It must've been pretty late at night.

Julius looked around in the darkness and slipped out of his sheets, onto the top of his bunk bed.

As Julius waddled to the edges of his top bunk, he looked down calmly. His neck groaned in aching agony as he did so.

Two lingering eyes of erratic purple were gazing at Julius curiously through the looming shadows that roamed the Lighthause dormitory.

Julius squinted, attempting to conclude if he wasn't just tired and imagining things.

But as his vision focused, he could examine the figure of the one staring at him, from the hard-wooden floor of the Lighthause dorm.

They had rather dark skin, it seemed like ancient bronze in the time of twilight.