Lost Night (21): Recall of Thunder

Crow looked distraught, broken, and even enraged.

But with as much flourishing calmness as Crow could manifest, he covered his face with a hand.

When his hand lowered, he was calm and content.


"That certainly puts a big ol' wedge straight into the middle of my plans."

"But that's not what's important at the current moment."

Julius gulped down hard.

"What is important then?"

Crow smirked coyly.

"You need more power than what Azonold has offered you."

"And I can help with that, as I said earlier, just give me the right to collect the bodies of those 3 demons."

Julius was stuck.

On one hand, a huge part of him was cheering and all for handing over the so-called 'bodies' of the demons. But a small part of him wondered if it was worth potentially eradicating 3 souls just for one lifetime.

Julius shook his head darkly.