Aria's POV?
I drifted far away, everywhere seemed white. It looks like everywhere was covered with clouds. The place is so calm and quiet that only the chanting of the birds could be heard.
Slowly opening my eyes, they glinted with joy as I stared everywhere in awe and surprise.
I felt a peaceful sensation overshadow me, sitting upright…
I started taking a walk around the place, but confusion kicked within me as I couldn't get to see any figure there.
It seems like I am the only one in there, looking down I was still in my old clothes.
I couldn't see any single soul and that scared me till I heard a familiar voice behind me.
"Aria, my daughter," She called.
Turning instantly, my breath got sucked into my throat.
"Mom…!" I mumbled looking surprised and confused.
"Yes," a sad smile curled up her lips.
She stared at me with a painful expression and before I knew it, tears started trailing down my face.