Chapter 13 Not a Chosen Mate

  Khalid's POV

We followed the guard who led us toward my father's chamber, King David.

Standing in front of his room door, the guard motioned for us to enter inside. 

My face slipped into a distinct look before I lifted my hands and knocked at the door.

"Yes, enter," He promptly instructed.

I slightly pushed the door backward and stepped inside with Amon beside me.

"Yes, father, you called," I said while walking inside the room.

Amon bowed, "Good day, my King," 

"Yes, you can rise," He ordered before turning to face me.

"Yes, I called you for a purpose," 

"The Alpha of the bright moon Pack will be crowning his son the Alpha tomorrow," He announced, confusion slipping into my face.

"I don't understand my purpose in that," 

Turning to me, he stared deeply into my eyes before saying, "They need my presence there,"

"And," I arched my brow.

"He is a good friend of mine and he invited me to honor the event," 

"And how is that my business?"