CHAPTER 20 Let Me Go

  Aria's POV 

  My eyes twitched as I watched Davis stand in front of Prince Khalid obstructing him from me.

  I wanted to tell Davis to step aside, this is the Lycan that we are talking about, not a mere werewolf. 

  "She is going nowhere!" Davis snapped.

  I stifled as I felt Khalid hurl a dangerous gaze at Davis.

  Drago held me behind and bared out his fang in anger.

  "Don't you dare take a step toward her!" Davis threatened.

  I love his braveness but... this is risky, especially for him.

  "Who are you?" 

  "And what gives you the authority to order me on what to do and not to do?" 

  I watched Khalid take a step toward Davis, I tried to step forward but Drago held me back.

  I know that the poor boy was just concerned about my safety, I can't drag him into this mess and leave him just like that.

  I am sure that it won't make me any better.