CHAPTER 23 The Warning

  Aria's POV 

  It wasn't up to ten minutes that I slept off and I felt someone bashed inside my room with the door slamming against the wall.

  I quickly jerked up with force with the bed cover clenching almost to my chest as I glanced around and it was Drago.

  My eyes narrowed in anger.

  Is this what I am going to keep seeing here? 

  "What happened to knock?" I snapped.

  "Sorry…" He apologized but I glared at him.

  "Why are you here?" 

  "One of the omegas came to inform you that dinner is ready, she knocked but there was no response from your side... " 

  "And?" I drawled.

  "We thought that you might have escaped not after the little stunt you pulled out there last night," He said smiling.

  My countenance changed before I narrowed my eyes at him, "Escape with those statues that you people suited at every damn corner of my room...."

  He chucked at my words before taking a few strides toward me.