CHAPTER 35 Share the Same Bed 

  Aria's POV

  My breath quickened as I stared at him, his dark gaze on me narrowing my every damn move.

  "Just because I didn't claim you as mine and have my mark on your neck the first time that I set my eyes on you doesn't mean that you are not my mate..."

  "Do you think that it was easy for me to see you walking around and hanging around with other men without my mark on you!" 

  "Coming back to have the smell of another male on you, and you think that giving you space is the rightful thing!!" 

  I staggered at his words till my body hit the wall. And now I am trapped between him and the wall, still, he doesn't stop.

  "I didn't mark immediately because I wanted it to be from both sides, I wanted you to accept it without me forcing it on you but don't make me force you" I gulped nervously.

  "I gave you enough space and time to accept us but you see right now, am not giving you any more space," now his voice has turned husky.