CHAPTER 40 What a Loser

  Aria's POV

  My eyebrow twitched as I watched her take a few strides toward me.

  "Don't get too excited, Aria, the Prince still hasn't laid his claim on you to show that you belong to him. Maybe I am sure that he just wanted to get laid and trash you out of the street where you belong, Allen rejected you and you think in that fish brain of yours that royalty could want you... Hahaha! You amuse me, besides, who could want a wolfless weak creature like you?" 

  I felt a rage sweep through me like lava, I didn't allow her to finish before my hand connected with her face.

  I whack a thunderous slap across her cheeks causing her to stagger back when holding her right cheek in surprise.

  Looks like she wasn't expecting that though but who could guess that the once fearful Aria then could land a tingling slap across her cheeks.

  I could see my fingerprint evident in her cheeks, the hit spot is now swollen and reddish.