CHAPTER 57 A Big Risk

  Aria's POV

  I smiled and took the rope from her, and started walking toward the window.

  "I never knew you were that smart," I said when still taking my stride to the window.

  I stopped as I couldn't hear anything from her side, turning around I was met with a confused-looking woman.

  I c***k brow at her in a questionable manner.

  "What?" I blurted.

  "Hmm... Just confused because the guy said that you requested for it to be served that way," she said.

  Hmmm... Seems like Davis is the smart one though.

  "Fine! Thanks," I said, earning a smile from her.

  "Your work is done here, you can now go," I dismissed her.

  She nodded and picked up the tray of food and walked out.

  I sighed and locked the door before quickly rushing to the window.

  Luckily Davis was still there, pacing around with his phone pressed against his ear.

  And that's when I heard the ringing tone of my phone. 

  I trotted toward the nightstand and picked it up before answering the call.