Sabrina's POV

Dr. Shannon's text caused me to wake up early. I stood up right away but took some time to recover. I could recall the events that occurred the previous evening. Damian shouldn't hold that against me as I'm only trying to help him. 

"Good morning, daughter." Our maid was preparing breakfast as I went downstairs.

"Good morning. Where is Damian? Does he come for work?" I asked and looked at the food.

"He came in early this morning. I thought you were eating together so I prepared food just in case he left," she said.

I nodded. "I'll just eat here."

"I'll go first. I might be late for work," I said and stood up.

"You're alright?" She asked worriedly.

I smiled. "I'm fine, I need to earn money for grandma."

"Be careful, dear. Karlo is already there to take you to the hospital," she said.