Damian's POV

  I was puzzled. Why Sabrina treats me so coldly, and refuses to even touch me, or even responds is beyond me. I did nothing improper or say anything he didn't like. Perhaps weary, I have my doubts. I'm lost, I'm afraid. I sighed and turned to face the door where Sabrina was coming out.

  "What happened?" mommy asked in surprise.

  "I don't know...I'm confused. Maybe she's tired? Sabrina is like that when she's tired," I said calmly.

  "Talk to her, Damian. We'll take care of it. We'll just call when the presscon is ready and talk about what will happen tomorrow."

  I sighed and nodded right away. I'm still thinking over what I said or did wrong. Because of that, I was shocked to think that she heard Mikaela's voice. Why do I find it amusing because he is envious? I shook my head and bit my lip.

  "She's jealous..." I whispered with a smile.