Sabrina's POV

  "Hi Miss, I was just going to ask where the bathroom is here?"

  I looked behind me when someone asked. I gasped and turned to him. He's wearing business attire with her cute glasses. I pointed the way to the bathroom and he thanked me but also stopped and looked at me.

  "By the way, I like your hair," he said with a smile.

  "Oh, thank you!" I answered smiling. "Take care."

  Someone passed behind me but I didn't pay any more attention and I went out and gasped when I saw Damian. He's lying on the floor with blood! I ran to him and looked around. There was no one and they were all inside and doing their own thing. I tapped Damian awake even though there was no hope for that.

  "Help! Greg!" I shouted even though my voice was hoarse. "Help me!"

  Some people heard me and they came out quickly. They were as surprised as I was to see Damian lying in his blood. The others called an ambulance while the others were holding their cellphones.