Damian's POV

  I breathed deeply. I can't work properly because I can't forget my interaction with Sabrina. She's fiercer, strong, and untouchable. I will never forget the anger I felt in her aura and the pain and coldness in her eyes, something I just saw. I've been with her for years and I've memorized her movements, even the emotions in her eyes.

  "You have a meeting with the Saldivar at lunch and a meeting with the CEO of the Saldivar Clan together with Miss Mikaela Suarez," said my secretary.

  "I see. Is she the only one coming later?" I will ask.

  "No, sir. She's with her manager and Mr. Jackson," she answered.

  I just nodded and immediately read the documents that the Saldivars handed me. Some things need to be changed in construction and different pallet designs. I saw Sabrina's design and compared to the designs we did, hers was cleaner and neater. I bit my lip, Sabrina's handwriting is beautiful even her drawings.