[Mature Content]

  Sabrina's POV

  While people panicked, I calmly walked out of the event while smiling. It was an act and I paid daddy's man to do that. I shook my head, if only the Suarez family could see this, they would remember what they did to grandpa. I got into my car and immediately changed my clothes. I wear a tube dress above my knee, a cardigan, and a black heel boots. I want to go to a bar and relax.

  [I saw the news. You did it again.]

  "It was an act, dad. It's not dead because it was part of the plan. I'll take care of everything, daddy. Promise," I said with a smile.

  [Sabrina, you know I'm on your side in everything but when I know you're doing too much, stop.]

  "Yes dad," I said softly. "I promise."