Thunder POV

  A month ago the incident happened and I am happy because my wife and I got along well and there was no more fight between us because of that thing.

  I woke up with Jewel no longer beside me so I guess she was downstairs, so I got up and searched for her. Miraculously, we have been with our son for a month now without being borrowed by his grandparents.

  When I got down, I went straight to the dining table and I saw my wife and son there.

  "Good morning daddy." my son Storm said while eating his cereal.

  "Good morning buddy." I greeted my son back and even messed up his hair.

  I approached Jewel and kissed her on the cheek. "Good morning wife."

  It smiled at me. "Good morning hubby. Sit down and we'll eat." she said.

  I sat down and we ate breakfast together.

  "How's the restaurant?" I asked my wife.

  "It's okay so far, the number of clients is increasing everyday."

  "Good to hear that, don't get yourself too tired." I said.