Jewel POV

  We just got home, I helped my husband in bringing what we bought. I put some of the bags down in our living room first because I felt tired.

  Afterwards my husband approached me and held out his hand which I wondered about. "Why?" I asked him and stood up as I lent my hand to him.

  "It’s just..." that was his only answer and then he covered my eyes.

  "Hey Thunder what is this again?" I asked and he just laughed.

  He helps me walk to where I don’t know. "Take it easy," he said.

  "Don’t you dare scare me Thunder."

  "Easy hon." he replied.

  I just let him do whatever he planned and I just followed everything he said. Soon we stopped, I still don't know where we are in that part of the house because I still don't see anything.

  After a few seconds he slowly removed his hands that covered me. When I opened my eyes I couldn’t help but gasp at being exposed to me.

  I turned to him who was just smiling at me. "H-how?" I exclaimed.