Jewel POV

  Jhazzy and I became even closer, which is why Thunder and I often quarrel. I can't understand why he's hot -blooded with Jhaz, even though I already told him that she's kind.

  Like yesterday when Jhazzy invited me to go to the mall and when I got home and my husband found out who was with me we fought again. I often asked him why he would just say that he just doesn't want me to be friends with Jhazzy.

  I once caught them as if they were talking or arguing, I don't know the reason because when I ask, they will both answer me with nothing.

  Sometimes I think that my husband is becoming unreasonable but I don't want to ignore what he says and feels. So sometimes I just choose to keep quiet so that we don't quarrel anymore.

  I am currently in the bathroom because I woke up as if my stomach was turning, since a week ago I have often vomited and felt dizzy. I don't tell my husband anymore because I don't want him to worry.