Jewel POV

  I quickly entered the room after I turned my back on Thunder, the truth is that I was really shocked here. I’m not angry at what Marga did knowing that she was just thinking about me because she often sees me crying.

  I just don’t know how to talk to my husband because until now the pain is still here. Yes I know he has a point because I didn't ask him first but he can't blame me because if he was in my place he might do the same.

  I miss my son but I can't face him in this situation with his daddy. And I don't want him to be affected either. As I sat on my bed I heard a knock and Granny entered.

  "Jewel, can we talk?" She asked.

  I nodded in response and sat up.

  "I know that he is your husband,he left already. I'm not interfering but shouldn't you be talking properly?" She said,

  "It's not that I don't want to talk to him but it still hurts because of what happened to us." I honestly said.