Chapter 4 ~ The Start of the Hunt

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, etc. are the property of JK. Rowling and Rick Riordan. The OC characters and storyline are purely my imagination running wild. My story is for entertainment only and is not part of any official storylines. I do not have any association with J.K. Rowling or Rick Riordan even though I wish I had. No copyright infringement is intended.


Walking to Lady Artemis's camp was a little bit unnerving. Everyone was staring at her, some had looks of confusion, curiosity, and wonder - but Abby soon pushed it to the side fairly used to all of this – yet she hoped that this would not be the norm.

"So, is it normal for everyone to stare when you walk through the camp or are they just staring at me?" Abby asked Lady Artemis in curiosity.

"I believe it would be both. The campers from camp Half-blood are curious about both you and me, while my girls are just confused—they did not believe I would be returning with a potential sister," Artemis answered softly.

"So, this will not keep happening when I walk around?" Abby asked worriedly.

"I will talk to the girls – give them just enough information on who and what you are. You can in time tell them your own story." Lady Artemis said calmly before continuing. "The campers on the other hand will keep doing it, not just with you but with all my girls, but I will speak to Chiron to put a stop to it."

"No, milady, it is fine—please do not go out of your way just for me. I am kind of used to it. It happened a lot in Hogwarts: one moment, I was their hero, the next, the enemy." Abby said softly.

"Okay, that is something I will need more information on." Lady Artemis said concerned. "But first I need to deal with what happened here tonight before I found you."

"Okay, milady," Abby said quietly.

Walking into Lady Artemis' tent was an awe-inspiring yet beautiful site. These magical tents were not something new to Abby, but Lady Artemis' tent was something totally different.

The inside of the tent was warm and comfortable. Silk rugs and pillows were strewn all over the floor – indicating it was a place to sit and talk in comfort. In the center of the tent was a golden brazier of fire burning bright – the fire was burning without fuel or smoke. There in the center back of the room stood Lady Artemis's huge silver bow proudly on display. The walls were covered with animal pelts; black bear, tiger, and several others to name a few. In the middle of all the pelts was a deer with glittering fur and silver horns waiting patiently for its mistress to return. In the far corner stood Zoe gazing at what looked like a strategies table. Bianca stood quietly next to Zoe waiting for Lady Artemis to return.

"Ah, Zoe and Bianca good you are here." Lady Artemis said while taking a seat next to her beautiful deer.

"Milady, who might this be?" Zoe asked indicating toward Abby.

"This, Zoe, is Abigail Potter – she will be joining the hunt tonight." Lady Artemis said before turning to Abby. "Abby, this is Zoe Nightshade, my lieutenant."

"Hello Zoe, it is nice to meet you," Abby said timidly while giving a slight wave. "Milady, do you wish that I wait outside of the tent while you deal with what happened before I arrived?" Abby asked softly as she turned back to her soon-to-be Lady.

"No, I would like you to stay," Artemis said softly feeling the need to keep Abby close.

"If you wish it, milady," Abby said with a small smile.

"Zoe, go and collect the son of Poseidon, we need to have a conversation." Lady Artemis requested from Zoe.


It took Zoe a few moments to return with the boy, yet Abby did not notice the length of time as her mind was on her past.

"Ah, Percy Jackson. Come join us." Lady Artemis said as she noticed Zoe and the boy entering the tent breaking Abby from her thoughts.

The moon goddess studied the boy as he sat down across from her, and Abby could see just how uncomfortable the boy was becoming with this intense scrutiny.

"Are you surprised by my age?" The goddess asked with a little interest towards Percy as Abby and the two other girls watch on in silence.

"Uh… a little," Percy answered slowly.

"I could appear as a grown woman, or as a demon from hell, or anything else I truly wanted to, but this is the form I prefer. This is the average age of my huntresses, all young maidens, whom I am a patron for before they go astray." The goddess stated with some power behind her voice.

"Go astray?" Percy asked confused, unsure of what Lady Artemis meant.

"By going astray, Lady Artemis meant growing up, becoming infatuated with boys, becoming burdened down with responsibilities not meant for young maidens." Abby supplied the confused boy.

"Young Abby is correct." Lady Artemis said with a slight smile.

"Oh, good to know," Percy said finally understanding what the hunt was meant to be while Zoe was glaring at Percy from Lady Artemis' right.

"You must forgive my huntresses if they are not welcoming to you," Artemis said giving Zoe a quick look before continuing. "Boys' are rarely seen in my camp; they are normally forbidden. The last boy that happened to stumble into my camp was a few years ago and he was turned into a jackalope."

Abby took notice of the slight gleam of mischief and satisfaction in Lady Artemis' eyes as she spoke to Percy about turning boys into jackalopes, 'I will have to warn Sirius not to appear randomly inside the Huntresses' camp' Abby thought.

"I enjoy making jackalopes, but that is not why I requested you here. I need to know about your encounter with the manticore, I need to hear your side of the story." Artemis said seriously.

And with that Percy told Lady Artemis everything from the moment they arrived at the school, how he went after the monster himself, how he almost got himself killed before his friends joined him, how they were losing the battle just as the hunters arrived, and finally how they ended up losing the blond demi-goddess to the manticore.

Artemis had a thoughtful expression as Percy finished his tale before speaking softly. "I feared this was the answer."

"Milady, what about the monster?" Zoe asked as she sat forward.

"What monster?" Percy asked looking confused.

"Things are stirring Percy Jackson, that I have not hunted in over a millennium. Preys so old that I nearly forgotten existed." Artemis murmured with concern.

Artemis stared at Percy intently, making the boy look uncomfortable once again. "We came here tonight sensing the manticore, but he was not the monster we were looking for. So, boy tell me once again what Dr. Thorn said to you."

"Um, 'I hate middle school dances.'" Percy said confused about why he needed to repeat this once again.

"No, no. After that boy." Artemis said rolling her eyes ever so slightly.

"He said someone called the General will explain everything to me once I arrived." Zoe's face quickly paled, turning towards her mistress to say something but was stopped by Artemis raising her hand.

"Go on, Percy." The moon goddess said.

Nodding Percy continued once again. "Well, then Thorn was talking about the Great Stirring and finally he said, 'Soon we shall have the most important monster of all – the one that shall bring about the downfall of Olympus.'"

Abby noticed that this caused her soon-to-be Lady to sit as still as a statue, worrying her ever so slightly.

"Maybe, he was lying?" Percy said weakly as he looked around not wanting to anger the goddess when he spoke out of turn.

Artemis shook her head. "No. He was not. I have been too slow to see the signs. I must hunt this monster, and I will need to hunt the monster alone."

"But Milady- "Zoe said worriedly.

"This hunt is too dangerous even for my hunters, Zoe. You know where my search will begin, and you cannot go there with me."

"As… you wish milady," Zoe said unhappily.

"I will find this monster," Artemis vowed looking into both Zoe's and Abby's eyes hoping to convey her seriousness. "I will bring it back to Olympus by the winter solstice. It will be the final proof we need to prove to my father that we are once again entering a war."

"Do you know what the monster is, Lady Artemis?" Percy asked.

"Let us hope and pray that I am wrong," Artemis said with slight worry.

"Who do goddesses pray to?" Percy asked in curiosity.

Abby could see a small smile graze Artemis's lips before asking Percy one last request. "One last thing Percy Jackson, I have a small task for you to assist with."

"Does it involve getting turned into a jackalope?" Percy asked, causing Abby to snort slightly.

"Sadly, no. I want you to escort the Hunters back to Camp Half-Blood. At least I would know that they will be safe until I return." Artemis said with a pained smile.

"What?! But milady we hate it there! The last time we stayed there – "Zoe exclaimed.

"Yes, I know. But I am sure that Dionysus will not hold a grudge against you guys for ah, a small misunderstanding." Artemis said sheepishly before continuing. "It is your right to use cabin 8 whenever it is needed. Besides, last I hear they had the cabins repaired after the damage was done."

Snorting Abby quickly turned away as she tried to stop the laughter that was bubbling up from her for the last statement Artemis said to her lieutenant, while Zoe muttered something about foolish campers.

"And now there is one last decision to make before we move on Bianca." Lady Artemis said turning to Abby.

"Milady?" Abby asked in confusion.

"Do you wish to do the pledge now or wait until after we have sorted everything?" Artemis asked wishing Abby would join now, wanting to settle the unease she was feeling.

"I would like to wait until after everything is sorted, Milady. I can also see who else I would like to include within my life story, to see where their loyalties lay." Abby said softly.

"Okay, my dear." Artemis sighed slightly.

With that the group of 4 females and one male descended into a comfortable silence, thinking of what the future would hold and what secrets would unfold in the upcoming hours.