Chapter 7 ~ Taking a break

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, etc. are property of JK. Rowling and Rick Riordan. The OC characters and storyline are purely my imagination running wild. My story is for entertainment only and is not part of any official storylines. I do not have any association with J.K. Rowling or Rick Riordan even though I wish I had. No copyright infringement is intended.


The group split the moment they exited from Lady Artemis's tent, Zoe made her way to some of the other huntresses wanting to explain a few things and give out some instructions, while Bianca went to talk to her brother, wanting Nico to hear from her about joining the hunt. Percy walked off towards the campers, and Artemis moved off with Abby towards the cliffside, looking over at the horizon.

"So, how are you holding up?" Artemis asked softly once the two girls were seated safely at the cliff's edge.

"Ah well, physically I feel great, stronger even," Abby said before continuing with a weary sigh. "But, mentally I am exhausted, Milady, but I am dealing."

Looking up sharply, Artemis quickly turned towards her new huntress, gazing into Abby's eyes, assessing just how bad the young hybrid's mental state actually was.

"Did you ever talk to someone about everything you went through, everything you saw?" Artemis asked worriedly.

"No," Abby said softly, looking away as she continued bitterly. "No one ever wanted to hear what I was dealing with; they just wanted their perfect savior, I hardly sleep these days, with how bad and real my nightmares are, no one cared to even see how I was coping with the death of one young man I once saw as a big brother, I witnessed his death which happened less than 4 months ago."

"That changes now," Artemis said sternly before continuing more gently. "You are now part of a family that will always help you or listen to your worries, so please Abby, do not bottle your emotions and feelings up like this. We are here to help."

Hooting softly, Hedwig nuzzled her hatchlings' cheek, hoping that Abby would listen to her new lady.

"I will try, milady," Abby said, looking up shyly. "This is also why I started opening up about my first year at Hogwarts."

"I am not ready to open up regarding my life at the Dursleys, but I will inform you about some of the abuse I lived with within that household," Abby said with sadness seeping through her. "But I want to tell you about my second year tonight before you go on your hunt, Milady, even see if it is possible to start with my third year before Lord Apollo arrives, if that's okay?"

"Of course, it is okay, my dear," Artemis said softly. "Are you still sure that you want to include Bianca and Percy in this? Unfortunately, Zoe will need to be part of this conversation, as she is my lieutenant."

"Yes, I might not be comfortable with it, but I think it would be best if more of the family knew what to expect with how I act," Abby whispered, while softly stroking Hedwig's chest in comfort.


"So, what did Lady Artemis want from you? You were with them for a while," Thalia said the moment Percy reached her and Grover.

"Ah well, Lady Artemis wanted to know about what Thorn boasted before he fled. Also, the huntresses are joining us at camp. Lady Artemis will be going on a solo hunt once Lord Apollo collects us and Abby–that is the hybrid that you smelled as a monster, Grover–wanted to know what Camp Half-Blood is, so I took it upon myself to explain." Percy explained to his cousin.

"The huntresses are going to camp?" Grover asked fearfully. "Last time they burned down a cabin."

"Well, yes, I heard about that as well, but Artemis said Dionysus had it rebuilt. Hopefully, everything has been blown over by now." Percy responded hopefully.

"Hopefully? And what do you know about this monster freak?" Thalia questioned with narrowed eyes.

"First, I would rather not have anyone hurt for their past mistakes. Second, I don't know much about Abby. Artemis wants Zoe, Bianca, and me back in her tent in the next 20 minutes to learn more about Abby and her life before she joins the hunt. Third and finally, do not call her a monster freak." Percy answered seriously, with an edge of protectiveness seeping through.

"Yes, the huntresses will harm someone for their past misdeeds," Thalia muttered before holding her hands up in surrender. "But why would you be the one that gets more information about Abby? Why not us?"

"First, Abby does not know you, so why would she include you? She chooses those she is comfortable with. Second, if you want to know more about Abby, then get to know her," Percy said before looking at Thalia, baffled. "Really now! Do you honestly believe that the huntresses would go out of their way to harm people for their past mistakes?"

"Yes, the same way they hate men, honestly I'm surprised Artemis asked to see you at all. You saw how Zoe looked at you when she picked you up."

"Yes, like I was an idiot who had no idea what was going on. Most females have that expression around me, Thalia." Percy snarked. "If I got upset about that, I could never be friends with Annabeth. Zoe also had a degree of anger, but I did just yell at her mistress. She seems very protective of her."

"Moving on!" Grover exclaimed, cutting into the upcoming argument between the two cousins. "Bianca joined Artemis then. Makes sense, an eternity with Artemis…" Grover trailed off dreamily.

"Really, Grover!" Percy exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "What is with the obsessions the satyrs have with Lady Artemis?"

"Satyrs, all of them are hopelessly in love with Artemis. Don't you get it? She will never love you back?!" Thalia demanded, descending once again in the same argument they had been in for the last hour.

Percy decided to leave the two with their arguments, walking off towards Bianca and Nico. Percy could see how Nico had shifted from confused to angry and hurt. Bianca must have told him about joining the hunt. As Nico started to storm off, Percy stopped him by crouching down in front of Nico.

"You know she isn't leaving you, right?" Percy asked gently.

"But she joined another group with a bunch of new sisters! Where does that leave me?" Nico said, looking confused, hurt, and angry all at once.

"Why at camp with the rest of us?" Percy said softly. "You gain a new family as well, but don't worry, you won't lose your sister. The huntress drops by the camp occasionally, so you won't lose contact. Plus, the mythological world has ways of communicating with people, so it's basically going to feel like you are going to different schools honestly."

Percy could see that Nico was not fully convinced, but also knew that he was giving Nico some things to think about. Nico nodded slightly before turning back to Bianca.

"I don't understand why you joined the Hunt, Bianca, but you are my sister. Just give me some time." Nico said pained before walking off, leaving Bianca and Percy together.

"Thank you, Percy," Bianca said softly once Nico was further away from the two Demi-gods.

"I had to help. I am the one who convinced you to join the hunt and I stand with what I said in the tent. Artemis is the best option. But unfortunately, it was dropped on him along with everything else. That was the main reason why he was so angry and hurt. He was trying to cling to his constant." Percy said softly. "All you need to do is show him you still care and that you can still spend time with him. Proof to him that what I said is true."

"I guess that's all I can do, that and give him some time to work through his emotions." Bianca sighed before grabbing his hand to drag him towards Zoe. "Come on, let's go meet someone new before we return to Lady Artemis's tent." The two then walked over to Zoe and the girls in silence.

"How can you trust this boy, Zoe?" One of the older huntresses sneered. "He might be deceiving you and our lady."

"I told you, Phoebe, he formed a bond with us," Zoe said sternly, "He is not deceiving us; I believe Abby would have killed him if he was."

"I know you girls find most if not all, males as deceiving bastards, but I am not one of them," Percy said, coming up behind Zoe. "I am truly thinking of swearing an oath towards Lady Artemis and the consequences for such an oath can be severe, something no male will ever consider."

Both girls gave a start at the intrusion into their conversation. "Bianca wanted to meet someone new before we had to return to Lady Artemis's tent," Percy explained, for the looks he received.

"And you decided to follow her here." Phoebe sneered. "You have no reason to be near any of us."

"I might have pulled him along," Bianca said softly, with a somewhat sheepish expression. "Artemis made it seem like he should be friendly with us, so…"

"Phoebe, enough!" Zoe said sternly. "I have told you, hold your trust until such time it is broken."

"Fine. But he can explain how he gained your and our lady's trust like this. Neither one of you favored someone this quickly." Phoebe glared at Percy.

"Uh, I don't think I can just yet. First, there are too many unwanted ears around. Second, I would like to get permission from Lady Artemis first. Third, I do not want to break the small amount of trust that I gained from those in the tent just yet," Percy said with an apologetic expression on his face.

"If you do not tell me how you gain their trust, then how should I trust you?"

"You don't have to? I mean, I am not trying to force myself upon someone who cannot stand me." Percy said, confused and slightly offended by that idea. "Bianca, good idea to try to meet someone new. Shame it didn't work. Zoe, I'll see you guys at Lady Artemis's tent."

"Wait, Percy!" Zoe said before continuing. "Within our cabin, we have the same protections as the tent. May I tell them your story? Expecting them to accept you without question won't happen."

"Only if we get permission to discuss this with the others from Lady Artemis and Abby both, then I don't mind," Percy said before walking off towards the tent, leaving the others to discuss things without issue.