
*Images at the bottom of this chapter*

Dear Readers,

I have invested a lot of my time, energy, and hard work into creating (with the help of AI, of course) these beautiful images so that you may all have a wonderful reading experience.

I will be adding images for mostly the characters and locations and will continue to update as more characters and locations are introduced in the story.

Of course, I will add images of only the relevant characters. Do not expect me to create and add images of every Tom, Dick, and Harry in my story. After all, I am only a panda. And pandas are very lazy, trust me.

You will be able to see the images if you click on the paragraph comments for the respective characters and locations if you scroll below. I hope you will continue riding with me through this magical journey.


Panda Dumpling



- Bryan Lombardi

- Detective James Watson

- Leah Davis

- Grace Wilson


- Damascus City