True Treasure

Thursday, 26th August 1580.

Bryan opened his groggy eyes as he massaged his temple with his right hand. He sat up on the bed as an exhausted sigh escaped his lips.

He had great difficulty sleeping the entire night. After the events of last night, it would be surprising if he could sleep peacefully. After all, Bryan had killed no less than 40 people by himself.

So every time he closed his eyes, scenes of blood and carnage would flash through his mind, causing him to not fall asleep.

Shaking his head, Bryan got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Splashing some cold water on his face would make him more alert.

A few minutes later, Bryan came out of the bathroom and then went back to his bedroom again. He sat on his bed in a lotus position and closed his eyes to meditate.

Meditating would help clear his mind and remove all the mental fatigue that had accumulated. This was one of the advantages of meditation.