
Seeing Ron look at him as if he was some psychopath, Bryan further explained, "It's not like the people I killed were innocent or something. All of them were ruthless criminals who had their hands long dirty.

Furthermore, my teacher told me that when dealing with enemies, I must cut off all their roots, or else they would cause endless trouble for me in the future."

After listening to Bryan, Ron was even more flabbergasted as he thought inwardly, 'The teacher is a psycho and the student is an even bigger psycho.'

Meanwhile, while Ron was recovering from the shock, Robert was the complete opposite. Although he was also shocked it wasn't for the same reason as Ron.

He now saw Bryan in a new light. Being able to manipulate so many people and have them fight each other to increase his own chances of winning showed that Bryan not only had a great tactical mind but was also extremely cunning.