
The black-robed lean figure miserably knelt on the ground as he struggled to breathe. Fear crept into his heart as he thought, 'This guy's spiritual force… it's almost as strong as grandfather's!'

Two more black-robed figures who were standing beside him hurriedly bowed toward the convener. One of them pleaded, "Please forgive him, sir. He's young and immature."

The convener who was wearing a light blue robe and a plain white mask retracted his spiritual force and harrumphed,

"For breaking the rules of the convention, you are disqualified from this bidding. If you break the rules one more time, you will be banned from this secret gathering."

Then he turned to look at Bryan and added, "However, you will still have to pay as per your last bid."

'Fuck me! Can't I pay 700 pounds?' Bryan cursed in his heart. However, on the surface, he nodded his head and bowed slightly, "I understand."