Boys Will Be Boys

Almost two hours later, Andrew angrily got up from his seat and threw his hole cards on the table, "Fuck! Bryan, are you cheating?"

Olivia, who was always expressionless, now had her eyebrows furrowed together as she too looked at Bryan intently.

Elijah and Henry simply had dejected expressions on their faces as they continued to finish their drinks. Although they knew they would end up losing to Bryan, it felt really disappointing when it did happen.

Meanwhile, Bryan had a smug look on his face as he grabbed all the money on the table and brought it closer to him.

Completely ignoring Andrew and Olivia, he started counting the money with relish. Looking at Bryan's pleased expression caused Andrew and Olivia to get even more annoyed.

"Fuck this! I need a drink." Andrew stormed out of the room in frustration.

"Hmph!" Olivia too snorted at Bryan and left the room.