I Was Fortunate

Bryan distributed the two brown bags to the kids. He then looked at Jamie and replied, "As I said before, I don't want anything. I simply wanted to give you guys some food and clothes."

"Lies!" Jamie snapped, "You rich folks can't be trusted at all. All you like to do is gloat at our misfortune."

'Looks like he's had some bad encounters with some of the wealthy people,' Bryan sighed inwardly, 'Well, he's not wrong. Some rich people do like to belittle the poor.'

He then crouched down in front of Jamie and asked, "Would you believe me If I said I too was once like you?"

"What do you mean?" Jamie asked dubiously.

Bryan pointed towards the slums and replied, "What I mean is, not long ago I too once lived there. In fact, I've lived most of my life dwelling in the slums and begging for sustenance."