Perfect Balance

Friday, 10th December 1580.

The sunrise crisply shone on the snowy streets of Damascus, bringing with it a deluge of early morning activities.

Workers could be seen shoveling the snow on the streets, making sure that the steam cars along with the few horse-drawn carriages had a clear path for transport.

The light of dawn seeped into Bryan's apartment as he slowly opened his bleary eyes. He removed the blanket that was on top of him, got up from the bed, and walked to the window.

A shade of rosy hue decorated the morning sky as the sun gradually rose. Today was yet another off-day for Bryan and like always, he was planning to spend it at home.

Bryan turned around and then walked toward his bathroom to freshen up. He was ready to begin his day.

Ten minutes later, after having taken a warm bath, Bryan exited the bathroom with a white towel tied around his waist. He went to the wardrobe in his bedroom and took out another clean pair of white pajamas to wear.