Mutual Feeling of Empathy

Bryan and Jamie gave their respective orders as the working staff diligently noted them down. After making sure there was nothing else, she smiled, "I will be back with your order within ten minutes."

She then looked at Jamie and asked, "Would you like to drink something in the meanwhile?"

Jamie thought for a moment and replied while pointing at Bryan's cup of coffee, "I'll have what he's having."

"Of course!" The staff smiled and then deftly left for the kitchen.

Bryan didn't stop Jamie from ordering a cup of coffee. He simply smiled mischievously and waited to see the look on Jamie's face when he tasted the bitter drink.

"So, have you moved out yet?" Bryan asked while he took a sip of his coffee.

Jamie hesitated for a while and then shook his head, "Not yet."

"Hmm?" Bryan raised his eyebrows, "Why not? You should have enough money by now to rent a cheap apartment somewhere on Deshawn Street."