All for What?

There were a group of low-class workers wearing ragged clothes who were standing close to Elijah's house's entrance. One of them looked at Elijah and scoffed,

"You dare call me a bastard? Hmph! You're the ones who have stolen our jobs and you fuckers call us crazy!?"

Another person beside him chimed in as he pointed at Dele, "How does a man like you get to live in such a fancy house and be driven around in a steam car?"

"Yes! Look at you! Go back to where you came from!"

"You don't deserve any of this! My wife is sick and my children are starving at home. Give us back our jobs!"

"That's right! Give us our jobs back!" The rest of the people in the mob began to scream as they started to throw rocks at Dele and Elijah.

During normal times they would have never thought of doing such a thing. However, now the times were different. The resentment that had been bottled up for all these years was finally beginning to erupt.