Strong Intuition

Bryan went over this information in his head that he had just received from the potion and grew all the more excited. He then increased his speed and swam through the benthic zone with great joy.

Just when he thought that he was going to surpass his current speed, his vision abruptly changed once again and he found himself in another underwater region. However, this place was much shallow compared to the previous one.

He looked to observe his body and noticed that a pitch-black sturdy shell had covered the entirety of his body!

There was a black trigonal crystal located in his stomach region. Moreover, he had five pairs of legs! Eight of them were for walking and the front two had pincers, most likely for attacking.

Bryan's eyes lit up as he thought, 'The Dusk Crab!'

He now knew exactly what to do and tried to get accustomed to this new body as he moved around and checked to see what more innate abilities he might get.