More Evidence

Emma gradually removed her grasp from Bryan's collar as she intently stared at Lara's corpse. A few moments later, she sighed as she turned back to Bryan and stated, "I apologize for my earlier actions."

Bryan shook his head as he smiled faintly, "You need not apologize. If anything, I should be thanking you for believing in me."

Emma looked at Lara's mangled head and replied, "Still, did you really have to do that to her head? You could have restrained yourself a little."

Bryan scoffed, "I've already shown enough restraint. Otherwise, the rest of her body wouldn't be left intact."

Emma knew what had happened to Jamie and how close Bryan was to him. Hence, she could understand why he hated the Blood Path Transcendents so much.

Moreover, she herself did not have an ounce of sympathy for anyone who embarked on this cruel Path. Hence, she simply nodded and didn't say anything further.