Hell Fire

Duke Abaddon slowly got up to his feet and rubbed his forehead in surprise, "That was unexpected."

His gaze then fell over a tiny human whose clothes were brunt. One side of his body was charred black but it was recovering at a fast speed. However, it couldn't recover completely.

After all, the wounds sustained from Hell Fire weren't that easy to get rid of, not by a mere potion at the very least.

'Rank 3 human?' Abaddon stared at Detective Watson in disbelief. After all, how could a mere Rank 3 wound him?

His eyes then fell on the black staff that he was holding to support his body. A trace of shock could finally be seen on his face.

"A God-Level Artifact! Human, looks like you were fortunate enough to possess such a weapon. However, you're too weak. You don't deserve it." He sneered.

Detective Watson got up to his feet and looked back at Abaddon. No trace of fear could be seen in his eyes as he replied, "Devil, you talk too much. Now, if you will, please ignore me."