One Last Time

Bryan looked at Benny and smiled faintly. He realized that his new body had given him more than just the change in his appearance.

His new body was already more powerful than a Rank 1 Transcendent! In fact, it was very close to a Rank 2! And that was not all! He had even received two innate abilities!

"The first one is called Dream Divination. This can allow me to gain revelations from the Dreamworld. I can divine the past, present, and future of anyone or anything I have come in contact with.

"The more powerful the thing or person I divine, the less accurate the divination results would be," Bryan replied. He felt that his ability would be extremely helpful to him.

'Did you receive any other abilities?' Benny probed.

"I did," Bryan replied solemnly, "It's these eyes of mine…"

Bryan then went on to explain his innate ocular ability. The more Benny heard about this ability, the more frightened he got!