
They were seated on the veranda when Beatrice tripped. Of all blunders, Beatrice had to commit, she choose to pour water on the future king. Her family had known that she was clumsy but not to this degree. The room fell quiet everybody watched as the drama was about to unfold, the screaming children quieted down for a bit and began to giggle, their Mother's quickly clapped their mouths shut with their hands. These innocent little bundle of joys didn't know that they were aggravating their Aunts situation. Beatrice was terrified shaking like a leaf, she hastily made her way behind her father's back like a scared little girl. "I apologise my king it was a mistake you may punish me in any way that his highness sees fit".

Beatrice broke the silence her voice enchanting and serene this made Alexander smirk. Alexander was smirking this was not a good sign at all. The chief wanted to apologise on behalf of his daughter but before he could say anything Alexander raised his hand to shut him. "Everybody makes mistakes once in a while there is nothing to fear" Alexander spoke and everybody sighed in relief while the children's laughter reverberated louder.

Beatrice peaked over her father's shoulder and shyly smiled "Thank you kind prince" she said and made her exit to the room. Beatrice had been in her room smiling to herself, thinking about her early encounter with the prince. She started at her reflection in the small mirror gifted by her older brother.

Her room was small and cosy, with a tiny wooden bed it wasn't overly frilly like a princess, but it was enough.

"May I ask what has made you smile from ear to ear?" inquired a woman in her early forties. She wore a classic Indian sari, her hair cascading over her right shoulder, and she spoke with a strong Indian accent.

"Oh, my goodness, I'm blushing. Aunt Vidya, this is strictly between you and me, and my father has no knowledge of it " Beatrice's tone was solemn.

People of various races were welcome in the community. "Isn't it Vi again, dear? Don't you trust me?" She inquired, a little offended. Vidya and her husband Abhishek were great friends with Beatrice's parents.

They fled from India during the third war in 1970 and still currently taking place this year (1971).

"It's not that Aunt Vi I don't entertain such useless thoughts and you know that" Beatrice tried to convince her Aunt but it seemed like it was herself she tried convincing.

" Who in the world gave a prince a handshake?" Vidya mocked followed by a chuckle. Alexander was so humble he had changed into an African attire gifted by the naitives. He looked spectacular init he was in the guest bedroom with Fenhua while two soldiers were stationed outside. 

"Brother are you perhaps falling for that young maiden?". Fenhua inquired.

" No why do you say such?". He responded.

Alexander recalled his earlier encounter with her... Beatrice. She had been so frightened by him, a part of him relished at the sight of it. Her voice was so angelic and her smile gave him a mental nosebleed, he smiled once more at the memory.

"This is what I am talking about you can't contain yourself" Fenhua was serious. He knew what his brother desired from Beatrice. He had been the subject of brokenhearted woman's abuse because after they slept with Alexander they would be at his disposal like used paper tissues, and he was a victim of their outrage. What a villain for a kind prince. "I must have her and I shall take her with" Alexander spoke he had finally awoken from wonderland.

Fenhua remained confused by his brother's abrupt reaction it had only been a few hours and he wanted to take her with him. He wasn't startled at all, but another thought brought him back to reality  his father would never allow it, so he hurried to his brother.

Fenhua entered a living room. He was too preoccupied to notice the magnificent furnishings, dramatic drapes, antique accessories, textured carpets, strong statement lighting, and vivid colour schemes that scream classic everywhere. When Alexander stood up, he and the leader, whom he had come to know as Andre, were deep in discussion. The family gathered around and said their goodbyes, Beatrice as well who stood at the far end.

"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, chief Andre, and your lovely family, however I have a request," Alexander inquired.

"Anything, your majesty, what would you like?"

"Your oldest daughter," he said firmly, and a chorus of gasps erupted as everyone turned to face Beatrice. Hadn't he been thinking why was he so blunt, how could he ask of that from her poor father. He asked for too much, his daughter that he cherished most. Her eyes widened and she paused, wondering why and what he wanted from her, was he attempting to punish her for the minor error she had made? Why should she be separated from her loved ones? She fought her mind and confirmed that certain rumours were true.

If you made enemies with the royals, they would have you as their slaves or worse, mistresses. Beatrice straightened up, stepped towards him, looked him in the eyes, and replied, "No."

Alexander's mouth could have dropped open but he maintained his posture, cleared his throat "What did you say?" He asked his anger building up.

"I refuse to leave with you, your highness" she said it again. How dare she defy him the prince the man whom all the maidens fell for, his smile was all he needed to have these young maidens throw themselves at him. And this commoner had the audacity to stand here, look him in the eye and defy his orders. Not even a single soul dared to refuse him, not even his enormous family but Beatrice Capet was the first, and he intended to make sure she had been  the last.